Why is there so much hatred for "Zionism" Israel? Is it just another form of antisemitism?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why is there so much hatred for "Zionism" Israel? Is it just another form of antisemitism?
Eleven answers:
2010-12-23 16:15:26 UTC
nowadays,hating all the jews is not so politically correct.

do u know how do all anti smites cover their hate 4 jews?here's what they say:

"me?i'm not an anti semite,i have a lot of jewish friends,i just hate zionism and the israeli government"

well,they HATE us!they hate jews! but cover it with"hating israel and zionism"

but jews,israel and zionism are one thing, if u hate one of these-you hate them all!-
2010-12-23 15:04:58 UTC
In two words, yes it is. One can give you a very long explanation, with motives and reasons and exceptions, but putting it short: Antizionism is just a new modern disguise of the traditional Muslim and Western antisemitism.
2010-12-23 07:07:38 UTC
"Antisemitism" is an oversimplification. Muslims hate Zionism because a Jewish state cannot be subverted by Sharia law. Muslims can overcome a democracy by voting for Sharia law, but they can't overcome constitutional Zionism except by military conquest. Muslims won't accept any people that won't submit to Islam. Islam must be superior to all other faiths.
2010-12-23 08:27:22 UTC
the world isnt used to the jews being anything but pacifists that they can kick around... as has been done for thousands of years.

jews have always been the easy target for anyone who had a gripe and needed to blame someone other than themselves. it continues today.. with the muslims. their own countries are only successful on the back of oil, and cant stand the fact that within their midst is a free country. whats more they have always known how to deal with jews.... they could do whatever they wanted to them because they wouldnt fight back... but now......
Punk Rock and Minerals
2010-12-23 18:32:40 UTC

it is another form of antiSemitism
2010-12-23 07:11:43 UTC
To answer you, you are correct,The only reason people challenge the legitimacy of Israel, rationalize aggression against Israel and justify Arab atrocities, is that they hate Jews.The media campaign against Israel is based on the fact that the Western TV stations, newspapers and radio stations involved are uneducated and/or anti-Semitic. Those who support the Arab "Palestinians" don't really give a rat's ____ about the Arab "Palestinians." They simply hate Jews.Anti-Zionists" are still anti-Semites at heart. They merely mask their hatred of the Jewish people with a geo-political agenda. Every concession or goodwill gesture to Arabs encourages Arab violence and aggression. It also encourages more open manifestation of anti-Semitism among the public in the West and in their media once they smell Jewish blood or Jewish in-fighting. The anti-Israel lobbies will attack and attempt to de-legitimize Israel no matter what Israel does, no matter how many suicidal concessions she makes and no matter which Israeli political party rules the country.Nothing has changed. If the Arabs were to perpetrate a new genocide against the Jews, the Western world would explain it as having been caused by Jewish shortcomings and sins. The Jews would simply build a few more Holocaust museums, light a few more candles and once again swear "Never Again!"
2010-12-23 15:36:41 UTC
Perhaps you should read The protocols of the learned elders of zion or the babylonian talmud for your answer.As far as "anti-semetism" goes---That old arguement doesn't hold water because the majority of people in question aren't semites.Btw-there are jews living in israel and abroad who oppose zionism.
2010-12-24 02:24:52 UTC
Your question is astonishingly ignorant. We "anti-Zionists" despise Zionism because its main tenet is denying a group of people, the Palestinians, a homeland due to a supposed preference that some imagined deity has over who will or will not own a certain piece of real estate! Do you have any idea how silly that is?

And how does one explain the fact that we don't limit our disgust to Zionist Jews? Christian Zionists disgust me even more so than Jewish ones. (And I'm not Muslim, I'm a pagan of Native American descent.)

And Ruth Feldman---shut yer pie-hole. Don't you DARE have the temerity to assume what I think or feel. I find it perversely amusing that the pro-Zionists on this site scream bloody murder when they assume they've been "insulted", but think it's just fine and dandy for them to go out of their way to diss Muslims and Arabs.
2010-12-23 15:26:46 UTC
Antisemitism cannot be applied to Muslims because they are semites, and I think you as a good Zionist (like all Zionists make up thing as you go along), in all probabilities said all those nasty things to Zionists not to Jews because Muslims respect Jews not Zionists,
2010-12-23 02:59:15 UTC
Because Zionism is an idea of establishing a Jewish homeland in a place where 90% of native population was not Jewish. That is a terrible mistake for any rational person on earth and not only Muslims. Here are some useful links for you to get the full picture my friend:

As you can see, Israel is a terrible mistake. Also, check out this interesting article: Zionism - A Terrible Disease of the Mind

The problem is not only in the creation of the Jewish state on Arab land, but also that Israel after more than 62 years of its establishment failed to become civilized and democratic state. Check this out for example:

And not only Muslims are anti Zionists, there are many Jews who oppose Zionism and call for exchanging Israel to democratic state where both Jews and non Jews have equal rights, and where immigration and settlements are not based on religion. Check out for more info

And my friend, this is the 21st century, you can't steal other peoples land in the name of God anymore. And if God really exists i don't think that terrible racism would be "his will".
2010-12-23 15:34:20 UTC
Zionists are people who Don't want to give to Arabs back their lands for peace, or any cause. Since Arabs wants 'their' land back, they hate Zionists because they are in the way.

But i think most Arabs hate Jews in general and not only Zionists.

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