Is Anti-Zionism another form of Antisemitism?
2012-01-09 17:26:45 UTC
I think its good for the Jews to have their own country, but I'm not for the senseless war and bloodshed between Jews and Muslims in Israel and Palestine. I wouldn't even support the Christian Zionists, they're extreme and longing for death.
Eighteen answers:
2012-01-09 18:00:47 UTC
By definition, no. Anti-Zionists don't have to be Anti-Semitic, nor do Anti-Semites have to be Anti-Zionistic, believe it or not.

However, in practice, there does seem to be a positive correlation between the two. It's readily noticeable here that some posters do profess some anti-Semitic rhetoric in addition to their Anti-Zionist remarks. However, in the actual physical world, it's also readily seen in Pro-Palestinian gatherings and counter-movements. I can recall multiple instances where I've come out of a Pro-Israel gathering (which makes no mention of "wanting to cleanse out the Palestinians" and advocates peace) only to be met with a very hostile atmosphere, and yes, with calls to "kill the Jews" or some variation.

So, if you are anti-Zionist, do realize that I don't mark you up automatically as an Anti-Semite; however, I do notice if you are one.
2012-01-10 11:40:03 UTC
I like Jews, respect the religion, respect believing Jews, and my best friend is a Jew; however, not a Zionist. Big difference.

Zionists, I ABHOR. There are Christian, Atheist, Jewish, even Muslim Zionists, Black, White, Indian Zionists. If individuals only hated Jewish Zionists, then I would say they're anti-semitic, but individuals like myself hate all Zionists so it's not anti-semitism.

I'm a pretty reasonable person, at least I'd like to believe so. I understand that not everyone is going to agree with me, but what pisses me off is that these people got their land taken away b/c of some douche bags claiming it was theirs 4000 years ago, boohoo cry me a river. That doesn't mean you go in with guns and try to kick everyone out. On top of that, they call the Palestinians terrorists!!! Soooo misguided. That's what I have a problem with.
2012-01-09 20:10:09 UTC
No its not, Antisemitism is any sort of hate towards people of Semite origin this would be North Africans, Arabs and Semites...People nowadays only see it as hatred toward Jews.

Im not for Israel...I think it was the stupidest decision ever made to revive a long gone would be like the UN deciding that the entire East Coast is to become the UK's 13 colonies again.

I believe that Israel had no right to exist when it was remade, BUT the country has been here long enough there's a new generation of people who have lived in Israel all their lives, if we were to kick them out we would be no better than the monsters who decided that the Palestinians didn't have rights to their land.

Peace between the two countries is the only option...Learn to live with the mistake. Palestine has taken steps to peace with attempting peace talks and trying to join the UN but all Israel does is build more illegal settlements and have snipers shoot kids in schools (yes they do that i know someone whos lost their kid by sniper fire in a school she was 6)
2012-01-10 10:02:27 UTC
To be specific:

It is possible to be anti Zionist and NOT anti Semitic

It is also possible to be anti Zionist AND anti Semitic

Therefore, for the anti Zionists that are anti Semitic, their anti Zionism is really an expression of their Antisemitism.

While I'm not a Christian, I do not think that all Christians who are supportive of Israel do so exclusively due to an "violent end of times" belief. Some maybe, but I do not think that is the case with most of them. But I'm not an expert on Christian theology so I guess a "Christian Zionist" can respond to that better than I can.

Update for Daniel:

"there is no way in the world you could call me an antisemitic because after all I am a Jew"

First of all, being Jewish does not mean necessarily that someone is not anti Semitic. I know of a few that are. I'm not saying that that applies in your case (likely does not), but just pointing out your fallacy.

Secondly, as I pointed out, there are anti Zionists who ARE anti semitic. This is a fact that some anti Zionists do not seem to want to confront.

Thirdly, saying that you are part of a list compiled by a small, fringe, infantile Kahanist group that NO ONE cares about, does not do you any credit.
2012-01-09 22:49:10 UTC
Not at all.

The Jewish Bund in pre-war Europe was very, very Jewish culture identity oriented but anti-Zionist.

I'm not saying the idea worked, but anyone who accused them of antisemitism doesn't know what s/he is talking about.

Some of the strongest antizionists these days are the extreme fundamental orthodox sects like Nutrei Karta, Toldot HaAron, Misnagdim and Satmar.


Dimitri - I cannot abide those so-called "Christian" so-called "Zionists". They want to fight to the last Israeli solder for their demented Messianic fantasies and really don't give a tinker's d--- for Israel and Israelis.
2012-01-10 02:17:00 UTC
Antisemitism is for the most part a method used by Zionists to try to discredit and group together people who have genuine criticism (backed up by facts) against the State of Israel and the Zionists that support Israel’s existence. Crying Antisemitism in essence merely suggests to the reader that whoever is criticizing Israel or the practices of Zionism is doing so for the sole purpose of being racist and not because facts and history tell a very different story to the one they CHOOSE to believe & regardless of the overwhelming evidence that suggest the contrary to their beliefs.

Zionists are well known to create labels for those who criticize the unethical & inhumane policies that they strongly support - self hating Jew and Nazi sympathizer are among other labels they like to use. Rather than disputing these facts with GENUINE history & facts of their own, they rather just refute by shouting out a label in a desperate attempt to mute criticism.

A simple fact that the Zionists constantly gloss over, is not that the world believes Jews should not have their own homeland. Jews can have whatever homeland they want as long as that homeland is not derived at the expense of another peoples homeland, as long as that homeland does not infringe the rights of the indigenous inhabitants of that homeland. Were there Jews living in Palestine for centuries - sure there were, were they a small minority on that land (around 2%) - yes they were, did the Jews living on that land suffer any persecution from the 95% majority of Palestinian Muslims and Christians - no they didn’t. A small minority of Jews were living in Palestine for centuries alongside their Arab brothers and sisters with absolutely no problems or animosity at all. Much like there are still small minorities of Jews living in Middle Eastern countries to this very day who still don’t suffer any persecution.

Zionists like to cherry pick statements that support their beliefs and disregard other statements (many are made by the same people) that do not support their beliefs. This to them creates the illusion that what they are doing, and what they have done so far is OK – which it is not. An example of cherry picking is Amnesty International, when Amnesty says anything against any other type of people in the world then its a reliable and trustworthy source in their eyes, but when Amnesty directs its criticisms towards Israels policies then they don't believe it, and rather believe Amnesty is simply being Antisemitic.

They fool themselves into believing that Palestinians were nonexistent, having no History or Culture. They fool themselves into believing that Israel was formed by Arab land owners selling the land to Israelis and then hopping off out of the country. They fool themselves into believing many false claims that even their own Zionist leaders at one point in time acknowledged that were false. As an example here is a famous quote by Moshe Dayan (A famous Israeli military leader and politician):

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969

Even Israeli historians who have told them otherwise including Ilan Pappe, Itamar Rabinovich, Benny Morris, Asher Susser, Meron Benvenisti, Colin Shindler, Moshe Arens, Dennis Ross & Norman Finkelstein to name just a few.

So to conclude, NO, Anti-Zionism is not another form of Antisemitism, and Antisemitism is a word used very loosely by the Zionist community, used with little to no relation to its actual meaning in cases where they are being justly criticized.
2012-01-09 22:45:22 UTC
I am not against Jews having a country of their own, I am against Jews creating a country of their own by ethnic cleansing and war crimes. Israel was established on Arab majority areas, and it was the only way for it to become Jewish. Jewish individuals from all over the world still colonize Arab territories in clear violation of the international law, yet people who were expelled from their lands to create what we know today as Israel can't return just because they are not Jews. No matter if you call it antisemitism, anti-Zionism, anti-what ever else, it is still wrong, illegal, and immoral.
2017-02-21 02:55:05 UTC
Your question is astonishingly ignorant. We "anti-Zionists" despise Zionism because of the fact its considerable guideline is denying a team of human beings, the Palestinians, a place of beginning via a meant selection that some imagined deity has over who will or won't very own a undeniable piece of genuine belongings! Do you have any thought how stupid it fairly is? and how does one clarify the actuality that we don't shrink our disgust to Zionist Jews? Christian Zionists disgust me much greater so than Jewish ones. (and that i'm no longer Muslim, i'm a pagan of close by American descent.) And Ruth Feldman---close yer pie-hollow. do no longer you DARE have the temerity to think of what i think of or sense. i hit upon it perversely a laugh that the professional-Zionists in this internet site scream bloody homicide whilst they assume they have been "insulted", yet think of it is purely superb and dandy for them to bypass out of their thank you to diss Muslims and Arabs.
2012-01-09 17:31:50 UTC
Well, in some cases it is, like when serious anti-semites don't want Jews to have their own country and think that its a product of pro-Jewish media.

But others look at it like this - the Jews can live in Palestine, along with the Arabs, and not carve out their own country from a place that Arabs have been living in for like the past 1000 years..
2012-01-09 18:11:44 UTC
Of course not look at me I'm an Anti-Zionist Jew, and there is no way in the world you could call me an antisemitic because after all I am a Jew, as a matter of fact you could find me on the Jewish S.H.I.T list (look it up in the internet you'll find my name Daniel Garay right there) the Zionist call us self hating Jews, but the only ones we hate are the Zionists.
Just Another Greek Guy
2012-01-10 12:16:57 UTC
I am all for a jewish country but let's accept that: israel has gone so wrong that there is no way they can get it back on track.

Slowly it is transformed into a place that everyone hate and everyone will be happy when it will be returned to its previous owners.

There is absolutely nothing to be proud of this one. Blood, bombs, killings, conspiracies, crooked politicians, the whole package!

So , it's OK with me if you call me these names.

Actually it makes me feel more democratic.
2012-01-10 06:12:46 UTC
Not all Zionists are Jews so the answer is no,
bulldog brit
2012-01-09 17:55:53 UTC
They certainly are not doing the ordinary Jewish people any favors. If you look back to 1946 you will see that it was the zionists that were responsible for attacking Arab villages, killing thousands and driving millions into exile Even to this day Israel will not allow a single one the right of return to their homeland. Here is a list of their numerous atrocities many committed before the State of Israel was even formed
2012-01-09 20:11:47 UTC
No ......Anti-zionism is not a form of Antisemitism........but Antisemitism is Anti-zionism .....and it is obvious why......

Indeed,christians zionists are Antisemitism....... they hate Jews ....and again... it is obvious why.

zionist jews and christian zionist are using Jews for their terrorist cause .....Both should be labeled as terrorists and should be panned.
2012-01-10 03:20:22 UTC
Yes, anti-Zionism is another form of anti-semitism. Today saying "I hate Jews" is not politically correct and will not gain you international support. However, saying "i am anti-Zionist" will save you from the accusations in anti-semitism, although both the form and the content of the so called "anti-Zionism" is the same as a good old antisemitism
2012-01-09 20:48:27 UTC
I am against Israel on Palestine, It could be built on any place in this world but that doesnt mean I hate jews or judaism.
2012-01-09 18:17:39 UTC
It certainly is a form of antisemitism, Jews have a right to a Jewish homeland in its historical location. Six Million Jews were killed in the Holocaust partly because they lacked the homeland of Israel
2012-01-09 22:04:41 UTC
Every thing is antisemitic.

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