Antisemitism is for the most part a method used by Zionists to try to discredit and group together people who have genuine criticism (backed up by facts) against the State of Israel and the Zionists that support Israel’s existence. Crying Antisemitism in essence merely suggests to the reader that whoever is criticizing Israel or the practices of Zionism is doing so for the sole purpose of being racist and not because facts and history tell a very different story to the one they CHOOSE to believe & regardless of the overwhelming evidence that suggest the contrary to their beliefs.
Zionists are well known to create labels for those who criticize the unethical & inhumane policies that they strongly support - self hating Jew and Nazi sympathizer are among other labels they like to use. Rather than disputing these facts with GENUINE history & facts of their own, they rather just refute by shouting out a label in a desperate attempt to mute criticism.
A simple fact that the Zionists constantly gloss over, is not that the world believes Jews should not have their own homeland. Jews can have whatever homeland they want as long as that homeland is not derived at the expense of another peoples homeland, as long as that homeland does not infringe the rights of the indigenous inhabitants of that homeland. Were there Jews living in Palestine for centuries - sure there were, were they a small minority on that land (around 2%) - yes they were, did the Jews living on that land suffer any persecution from the 95% majority of Palestinian Muslims and Christians - no they didn’t. A small minority of Jews were living in Palestine for centuries alongside their Arab brothers and sisters with absolutely no problems or animosity at all. Much like there are still small minorities of Jews living in Middle Eastern countries to this very day who still don’t suffer any persecution.
Zionists like to cherry pick statements that support their beliefs and disregard other statements (many are made by the same people) that do not support their beliefs. This to them creates the illusion that what they are doing, and what they have done so far is OK – which it is not. An example of cherry picking is Amnesty International, when Amnesty says anything against any other type of people in the world then its a reliable and trustworthy source in their eyes, but when Amnesty directs its criticisms towards Israels policies then they don't believe it, and rather believe Amnesty is simply being Antisemitic.
They fool themselves into believing that Palestinians were nonexistent, having no History or Culture. They fool themselves into believing that Israel was formed by Arab land owners selling the land to Israelis and then hopping off out of the country. They fool themselves into believing many false claims that even their own Zionist leaders at one point in time acknowledged that were false. As an example here is a famous quote by Moshe Dayan (A famous Israeli military leader and politician):
"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population." Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969
Even Israeli historians who have told them otherwise including Ilan Pappe, Itamar Rabinovich, Benny Morris, Asher Susser, Meron Benvenisti, Colin Shindler, Moshe Arens, Dennis Ross & Norman Finkelstein to name just a few.
So to conclude, NO, Anti-Zionism is not another form of Antisemitism, and Antisemitism is a word used very loosely by the Zionist community, used with little to no relation to its actual meaning in cases where they are being justly criticized.