2010-10-04 06:27:14 UTC
Romans changed the name of this land, but of course those who lived there remained the same. Who lived there? Demographically, they were mainly Jews and Israelis, but also Armenians, descendants of the Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Persians as well as the Egyptians and Arabs. Religiously, the population of Palestine under Romans was mainly the adepts of Judaism. Some small part of Armenians and Egyptians were Christians. Persians were Zoroastrians. All the others, including Arabs, were Pagans. Christianity had only recently appeared, and about Islam nobody heard nothing; it will appear only 700 years later.
And anyone who lived there was, of course, a Palestinian, as anyone who lives in Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo or Croatia is a Balkanian. This is clear , or it needs some special explanation?
And the Roman veterans who stayed in Palestine after 25 years of service also became Palestinians, as well as their children and grandchildren.
And all the Persians, Greeks, Byzantians, Armenians , Arabs, Turks, Circassians, Bosnians who came to live to Palestine became after a generation or two Palestinians, although they could live in South Lebanon or in South Israel and speak different languages. The people who live in Balkans speak 27 different languages and main dialects. Someone would argue that Croatians are less "Balkanians" than Serbians?
And Jews and Israelis are no less Palestinians than any Arab. I should say they are more because, after all, it was Jews and Israelis who lived on this land longest. When an Arab comes to legally live to France or Germany, he gets the same civil rights as all the other people. But will you say he is more French or German than those who fought against his Arab´s forefathers on the side of Charlemagne?
Are all those who live now in Jordan "Palestinians"? Without any doubt. Are all those who live now in Israel "Palestinians"? Also without any doubt. It does not matter where they came from: France, Syria or America; they are here, they are the legal citizens of the countries situated in Palestine- and they are all Palestinians. And their children will be Palestinians without any hint of a doubt.
Arabs who live in the West Bank and anywhere in Palestine are Palestinians.
Israelis must understand it
Israelis who live in the West Bank and anywhere in Palestine are also Palestinians. Arabs must understand this.
But when Arabs of the West bank and Gaza, a miserable portion of Palestine, start to call themselves "Palestinians", they deny by this the right of anyone else to be a Palestinian and they present the claim on ALL Palestine. It may be not clear to Americans or Europeans or Australians, but it is very clear to any other people who live in Palestine, first of all to Israelis and Jordanians. And they will do all they can not to let the Arab Palestinian state appear because as soon as the state called Palestine appears, it will claim all the territory of Palestine by definition. And the lion´s share of the territory of Palestine are Israel and Jordan.
Do you remember how Jordanians, who are Palestinian Arabs, were killing other Palestinian Arabs of Yasser Arafat by dozens of thousands in 1973? Do you remember for what? For claiming that Jordan must belong to the “Palestinian people”.
Having got a kick from Jordanians, Yasser Arafat, Mahmud Abbas and the leaders of the Hamas decided to try to play the same trick on Israel.
Israelis are civilized people but they are not fools. And if they will have to choose between expulsion or physical destruction of Arabs and the destruction of Israel accompanied by the physical annihilation of the Israelis- what do you think they will choose?
The first step to the solution of the conflict must be the disappearance of the "Palestinian people". Such a people never existed , it is a propagandistic myth. But this myth makes the peace in Palestine impossible.
There are different people living on the territory of Palestine: Jews, Arabs, Kurds, Druzes...They speak different languages, they worship different gods, they live in different states. But they are all Palestinians. And nobody can pretend to be the "Palestinian people" because it immediately denies the "Palestinianhood" of all the others, and the next step will be