They'll ignore it, make conspiracy theories about it, or only take articles about the base assertion and fail to include anything about the outcome of the case. They only care about the slander, not the truth. There is a lot of precedent for all three, and I don't feel like making a long list detailing a plethora of examples for each.
....or, they'll engage in whataboutism, which is what the user I believe you are referencing is doing. Instead of admitting that she judged this case wrongly, she points to another instance and takes the sole example as representative. Unfortunately rapists exist in all nations, including her own, so while it's sad to hear about Israelis doing bad, she's manipulating other's pain for her own benefit of painting an entire people she does not like (with no demonstrated good reason) with broad strokes.
It would be like me taking another recent rape case, occurring in Greece (which I believe this person claims to be from), being done by a Greek man, and basing my view on Greece solely on this story. The Greek rapist also murdered the woman, too. I provided a link of this gruesome case below, and as it's only three days old I assume it's still valid but if not please let me know. Am I going to paint Greece as some sexually deviant and violent place? No, of course not! I'll leave that to Greek mythology (kidding, of course). Greece is actually very nice, so I'm not going to judge even other Greeks by the one user. I actually know some Greeks and they're respond quite negatively towards this user. And by that, I mean they'll curse her out in fluent Greek.
Edit: So I read Sofia's link and I have to say, I have some words. I do not like how she cherry-picked the one example of Israelis allegedly assaulting a girl, in 2013, and implied that the story was about a general Israeli problem. It isn't. Rather, it's about a problem of British tourists being raped and notably in Greek spots, and there is one anecdotal example which names Israelis. However, the problem seems to be a much more local, at least with how the Greek police do diddly squat. It's at least academically dishonest to use this solely against Israel when British assailants are also named. Technically speaking, the story against the Israelis is probably hearsay, as it's a third-person account from someone who likely isn't a position to know the things she claims (how does she know they're Israeli? Or that the girl left when she did and it wasn't planned? Or the event even took place?). That seems like a rather weak example to paint Israelis as international rapists.
At least, I find it funny that in trying to damn Israelis, she may have provided ammunition to attack her own. At least, in fights that work by her own logic.