please explain simply what is happening in Israel / Palestine?
2012-09-27 16:26:49 UTC
ok i'm trying to understand what is happening there and why the whole world is involved.

i know i sound like an idiot but please be patient with me because im trying to learn. my parents were hippies and i grew up homeschooled on basically a farm commune so i did not learn alot about foreign policy or the world.

from what i understand, israel used to be part of palestine and it was an arabic country. then after wwii all the free jews from concentration camps needed somewhere to go, so britain/usa purchased half of palestine, renamed it israel, and re-located all the arabic people to palestine. similar to what happened with the native americans and the british settlers. so fast forward to today and the arabic people are still mad and the jewish people dont want to move either. the usa gives israel gazillions of dollars because if they didnt the arabic countries would attack israel, and now the arabic countries as a whole collectively hate the usa for giving israel money. is that kind of right? if not please correct me but please be simple and respectful.

(1) my question is why can't jewish people and native arabic people live there together?

(2) what was israel and palestine like prior to wwii?

(3) what is the west bank and gaza?

(4) please explain the overall situation simply and respectfully. a timeline would be helpful.
thank you!
Thirteen answers:
2012-09-27 22:45:33 UTC
No, I'm sorry. You have it all wrong, as does Sweet, whose answer is clearly biased and antiSemitic.

There was never any country called "Palestine." It was a large area of land which was governed under the British Mandate. This website should help to clarify things. It shows maps of Palestine and gives some basic history.

Now, this land is the Jewish ancestral homeland, and despite the Diaspora, there has always been a Jewish presence there. It was NOT, and I repeat, NOT an Arab country! Jews ARE the natives. Most of the Arabs there were recent immigrants. The majority of them arrived after WWI. Meanwhile, many Jewish immigrants were arriving as well, and the biggest wave of Jewish immigration began in the 1800s, long before most of the Arabs got there. There were some there, but not many.

This information is comes from an Israeli historian:

"The Arab population of the south (between Jaffa and the Egyptian border) grew by more than 200% between 1917 – 1940s. About 35,000 Arabs from the Haurain, South Syria came looking for work.

"From 1870 to 1948 the Arabic population grew by 270%. Even in Egypt, the Arab country with the highest birth rate, the rate was only 105%, which proves that a significant part of the Arabic population growth came from immigration. By 1921when the British government performed its first census the number of Arabs and Muslims amounted to about 500,000. The 1931 British Census included about 30 different languages spoken by the Muslim population in Palestine. They were illegal immigrant workers from Arabic and Muslim countries. The high rate of children's deaths, law life expectancy and the lack of health services in the country made it impossible to reach 270% as a result of birth rate.

"In Short, from about 250,000 around the end of the 19th century, many of them bedouins, the Arabic population grew to about 1,250,000 in 1948. The Palestinian claim that they are the ancient population of the so called Palestine has no ground."

So what happened is that the majority of Palestine, which had been promised to the Jews, was given away to Arabs in the form of Transjordan, which later became Jordan. What was left was a tiny sliver of land. Still, Arabs were offered another state of their own, and they turned it down. They wanted to go to war with the Jews instead. So after the surrounding Arab countries advised the so-called "Palestinians" to leave, they did, and war broke out. (They were not called Palestinians back then, incidentally-- they were Arabs. The people back then known as Palestinians were the Jews.) This was one day after modern Israel was formed by the UN. Yes, it was voted on by the UN, and the world voted, "Yes!" Modern Israel was created legally and legitimately. The Arabs had their chance at yet another state apart from Jordan but turned it down. To their surprise, they lost the war, and Israel gained her independence in 1948 after months of fighting.

Since then the Arabs have whined about losing and have created lie upon lie for propaganda purposes, and all because they hate Jews and don't want to share the Middle East with us. They try to kill as many of us as possible in their acts of terrorism, preach the hatred of both Jews and Christians on their television channels and to their children in schools. It's even in their textbooks.

Also the USA does not give Israel gazillions of dollars. It's about 3 billion/year, which is really a very small amount of money. It's just that the haters try to make it seem as if it's far more. In fact, Egypt also gets a lot of money. Many Arab countries do. Afghanistan gets the most, way, way more than Israel.

1. The natives are the Jews, not the Arabs. Jews want peace, but Arabs do not. They have said time and time again that they want to push all the Jews into the sea and that they will never negotiate with Jews.

2. It had been described as a barren wasteland except for a few scattered Jewish villages.

3. Gaza has its own government-- Hamas, a terrorist organization, which calls for the killing of Jews. They are Arabs.

The West Bank is actually Judea and Samaria, and the Arab government there is the Palestinian Authority.

4. It's very complicated. I've tried to simplify it as much as possible but feel I'm leaving out a lot. It's just hard to inform you of the entire situation in one little answer.

EDIT: "Rabbi" Ehrlichmann is neither a Rabbi nor Jewish. On the contrary, he's a raving antiSemite
2016-03-13 18:12:21 UTC
The land currently under dispute once belonged to the Israelites. It first belonged to the Canaanites, a collection of various tribes that were descended of Noah's son, Ham. The Israelites conquered the land, and all those Canaanite tribes are now extinct (not all from Israelite attacks, some died out for other reasons, but all are now gone). So the Israelites had that land for centuries. They were then conquered by the Babylonians, who exiled them away from that land. When the Medes and Persians conquered Babylon, they allowed the Jews to go back to the land (although the Jews were still under Persian--modern day Iran--control). The Greeks then defeated the Persians, but allowed the Jews to remain on the land though now under Greek control. Then the Romans defeated the Greeks, and allowed the Jews to continue on the land now under Roman control. For decades the Jews remained under Roman control. But in 70 CE the Jews rose up against the Romans, and their uprising was brutally crushed and the Jews as a people were scattered throughout Europe and Asia. The land that was once Israel was no longer Israel, and that remained that way until 1948 CE (close to 1,900 years later, almost two millenia). During that time that the Jews were no longer on the land, other groups, especially the modern-day Palestinians, took over the land and began living there, thus seeing it as their own now. As you noted, during World War II the Allies ignored the Jews when the Jews told them about the Holocaust. As a way of covering themselves politically after the war, the Allies (the United States, Great Britain, France, China, and then-Soviet Union and currently Russia) gave the Jews a homeland again, in the place that was once their homeland but had now been taken over by the Palestinians. It was not that Britain purchased it, which probably would have led to far fewer problems (the Palestinians feel, rightfully so, that the land was stolen from them), but rather during the war the British took control of that land when they pushed the Germans out (who themselves had taken over the land in their more powerful days early in the war). The British considered it their own land and that they could do whatever they wanted with it, so they shoved the Palestinians off the land and shoved the Jews onto it. This is not to attack the Jews, by the way, because they were not consulted on this any more than the Palestinians were. The Allies basically shoved these two groups together without any thought to how the Palestinians might react to their homeland being taken from them, then went on their merry way and left the Jews and Palestinians to figure things out. The Palestinians are rightfully angry, they are just aiming their anger at the wrong group. It was not the Israelis who stole the land, it was the Allies of World War II (again, the ones at fault here are the United States, Great Britain, France, China, and Russia). 1) Both the Israelis and the Palestinians see it as their land, and both would be correct. They fight with each other, but in reality they should be blaming those actually at fault. They both want what they want, both have a rightful claim to that land, and so that is why there are such problems. It doesn't help that the Israelis are building settlements on lands the Palestinians are claiming (the Israelis are doing this to protect themselves by trying to create a buffer zone between the Israelis and the Palestinians, but this is understandably angering the Palestinians who believe Israelis are settling on land apportioned to the Palestinians), and it of course doesn't help either that the Palestinians as a whole (not all of them, but many of them) have taken to using violence that causes the Israelis to feel the need to protect themselves in this way. 2) Before World War II, at least as far as the modern era Israel did not exist and the land was under Palestinian control. But for historical record, the land did belong to the Jews until the Romans forced them into exile. 3) Both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are part of Israel, but not what was given to them by the British. In the Six Day War of 1967, a number of Arab countries allied together and attacked Israel, and in the ensuing war Israel knocked back these Arab countries and took them from Syria. The Israelis consider this spoils of war, and historically they are right that when land is taken in war it is usually not given back after the war is over: it is a matter of "you started this, now you pay the price," and every country in history who has ever gone to war has done this. The Arabs, especially the Palestinians, consider this occupation by a foreign power, and so don't agree that Israel should keep control of this land.
2016-11-17 07:16:18 UTC
What Is Happening In Palestine
2017-01-04 20:15:44 UTC
What Is Happening In Israel
2016-04-03 11:40:17 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Pretty much all of your basic ideas are wrong. There has NEVER been a country called Palestine. For centuries, the entire region was part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. It was sparsely inhabited - you've got that one right. Mark Twain has an interesting description of his visit there in the late 1800s. After WWI (that's one, not two), the UK and France divided up parts of the OE and were granted temporary administration (mandates) of them. These bits of the OE were given names from different times in history. The part the French had control over was named the Mandate of Syria and was later divided into Syria and the Lebanon. Parts of what is now Iraq was under UK control and named the Mandate of Mesopotamia. Another collection of vilayets was named the Mandate of Palestine - a name which was given to the area in the 2nd cen CE by the Roman emperor Hadrian in a short-lived attempt to eradicate Jewish identity. He also outlawed Jewish practices, exiled from Jerusalem those he didn't massacre, etc. It's a name associated with a black period of Jewish history centuries before Arabic invasions brought Islam to the region. 7/8ths of the Mandate of Palestine became the Arabic country of Jordan in 1922 (long before WWII). Jordan wanted the remaining 1/8th for itself, as a Jewish-majority province, largely because resident Jews had done a lot to build up the infrastructure, which in turn brought Arab immigrants from Syria, Egypt, etc looking to take advantage of better paying jobs and a higher quality of life. (There were heavy restrictions on Jews in Jordan and pretty much the rest of the Mid East, btw. And there were Jews throughout the ME, had been for millenia. The myth that there wasn't is and Israeli Jews were shipped in from Europe is modern anti-Israel propaganda.) Unable to resolve the situation of the remaining 1/8th without offending their favourite client state Jordan, the UK pulled out and left the UN to figure something out. In 1947, the UN proposed a partition plan with 1/2 of the remaining 1/8th (that's 1/16th) containing mostly Jewish settlements as a Jewish-majority nation and 1/2 containing mostly Arabic settlements as an Arab-majority nation. The Jews said thank you and in 1948 created Israel. The governments of existing Arab and Muslim nations said no way, instructed the Arabs living there to flee so they could better bomb the Jewish residents, and promised the resident Arabs that they could return as soon as they'd obliterated the Jewish-majority state. They didn't. Egypt had control of the Gaza strip (which should have been part of that 2nd Arab majority state). They built concentration camps and chucked the refugees they had created into them. Jordan had control of the West Bank (which should have been part of that 2nd Arab majority state). They build concentration camps and chucked the refugees they had created into them. And that's how it continued for 19 years. The plight of the refugees only became an international issue when Israel gained control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank during the Six Day War in 1967. Israel even tried to get Egypt to take the Gaza Strip back, but Egypt refused. The Palestinian refugee crisis has been manufactured for one purpose and one purpose only - as a source of political propaganda to try to accomplish what the armies of 7 Arab and Muslim nations failed to do in 1948. Destroy the Jewish-majority state and claim the land for themselves.
Lucius Flavius Silva
2012-09-28 06:34:48 UTC
Dear KeepOn,

In a court of law if a witness lies about one thing then you need not believe anything else they say.

The national symbol of Israel is the so-called star of David. The problem is that no star of David is mentioned in the Torah.

The idea was made up only a few hundred years ago.

In other words the national symbol is a fraud but it is perfect because Israel is a fraud and everything the Zionists claim about Israel is also a fraud.

By the way - there is a name for people who tell the truth about Israel - anti-Semite. Watch for it. It will be your guide to truth-tellers. If you study well you will be called an anti-Semite.
2012-09-29 00:33:47 UTC
"The CORE issues of the Palestinian-Israeli are the collective dispossession and ethnic cleansing (compulsory population transfer to achieve political objectives) of the Palestinian people for the past six decades. In our opinion, the conflict would have been at the same level of intensity even if both parties had been Jewish, Muslims, or Christians."
2012-09-28 09:23:41 UTC
Both SWEET and Petit answers arev educating.......while Esther answer is full of historical lies.......
2015-06-12 13:03:16 UTC
Arabs want to live where the jews are already, the jews said no, is real is now bombing them.
2012-09-28 00:49:56 UTC
1) because the Arabs (Palestinians are not Arabic, nor Arabs) refuse to allow the Jews to live there, and have used the Palestinians as a tool in their goal to "push the Jews into the sea", a claim they made in 1947.

2) Mostly desert and malarial swampland, with a ruined city of Jerusalem in the middle of the South Eastern corner.

3) Look on a map.

4) The overall situation is that the Jews have been wandering for 2000 years. They were not accepted anywhere as citizens, and were constantly being sent out of their homes...they would settle somewhere, live peacefully for a few generations, then the people around them would decide they were evil, witches, drinking the blood of babies, poisoning the wells, etc. In the 1930s, Hitler and his cronies decided to "solve the problem for good". They decided to round up all people of Jewish background, regardless of where they had been born, or if they had ever practiced Judaism (never mind that Hitler, himself, was Jewish by Jewish laws AND by his own! [minimum 1 grandparent]), and ship them off to be slaughtered. Anyone trying to escape was just murdered on the spot. Anyone caught lying about their heritage (not that it was easy, since there were records of people's was on their birth certificates and passports) was shot on the spot. Hitler allied the Arab countries. He poisoned them. Even after he died, the Arab countries continued spewing his rhetoric.

The USA doesn't give "gazillions of dollars" to Israel. They SELL Israel arms. That's all.

In the late 19th century, the Zionists began petitioning the British government (then the guardians of Palestine) to let them have the area, since very few people lived there, and those who did, didn't do anything to care for the land...they simply existed. The Zionists moved to the area, the cleaned up the swamps, and the malaria cleared away. In 1947, Britain decided they could have the land to call their own. The land was NEVER a country called "Palestine" was Judea, then part of the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and then the British Empire. The people called "Palestinians" are descended from the Philistines of the Old Testament. They lived in the region. Some owned homes. Others didn't actually own anything. They were offered to either stay and become citizens of the nascent country, or move to the Arab countries, as refugees, and they would be allowed to return after the Arab alliance succeeded in their drive to "push the Jews into the sea". They attacked the day after the country was founded, and FAILED in their attempt to do that. They couldn't put the Palestinians back in their homes, and didn't want them as citizens of their own countries, so they put them in refugee camps. Now, these people aren't citizens anywhere. For three or four generations, they have been homeless, too. They have lived as virtual slaves under their Arab oppressors, and under Israeli law, they aren't citizens, either. (Those who chose to stay, however, are Israeli citizens, with full rights and full participation in all things, in the law, in government, etc.) They are frustrated, and they respond by killing innocent people. People who are having pizza on Shabbat, who are going to a disco to have fun, who are shopping with their babies, who are going to work or to school. They slaughter children in school. They are barbaric. They take their OWN people, and use them as shields, when IDF tells them they are going to blow up an illegal arsenal. They put women and children there, when they KNOW they will be killed. (IDF warns them, so that they can get innocents OUT of the way). When their own people are injured, they LEAVE them to suffer and die slowly, even though they could save their lives, because those people will raise the numbers of "killed by the IDF".

It's not an easy thing to explain...there's a lot of things that simply can't be explained away.

(BTW, your understanding is already way off...starting with your belief that it was an Arab country...and that "Arabic" can describe a country or a people...Arabic is a LANGUAGE).
2012-09-27 22:06:08 UTC
2nd time .....

Palestinians (Jews & Christians & Muslims ) lived in harmony as Arabs until some of the European Jews tried to immigrate to Palestine at the end of the 18 Century. The Jews were minority in Palestine. The whole Arab country was at that time under the occupation of the Ottoman empire(Turkey) for the last 400 years. The Jews were trying to find a place to establish Israel in.

Places were offered, and places were discussed:

Please Goole: Proposals for a Jewish state wiki

The Jews tried to buy Palestine from the Ottoman's Sultan Abdul Hamid II who did not accept and in 1901 he sent a historical letter to Dr. Herzl informing him that he cannot sell any small piece of Palestine to the Jews (not even a hand’s size of land). One of the reasons that made Arabs rebel against the Ottoman Empire was the crimes against Arabs by the Ottoman's ruler Jamal Basha as al-Saffah, "the Blood Shedder" . Arabs repelled against the Ottomans occupation in what was called the Great Arab Revolution. Great Britain promised the Arabs to help them to re-establish their one Arab country again if they help them in fighting the Ottomans and the Arabs bravely did and the Ottomans were defeated. But, upon defeating the Ottomans the British and the French occupied the Arab land instead of the Ottomans and this was a backstab and a big surprise for the Arabs and a start point of a new era of Arabian struggle . Then, the occupiers / Great Britain and France divided the Arab country through the Sykes–Picot Agreement in 1916.

Please Google: Sykes–Picot Agreement in 1916 wiki

In which they secretly divided the Arab country into small states such as Syria, Lebanon, ...etc .

The occupier / Great Britain directly after that gave the Jews the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

Please Google: Balfour Declaration in 1917 wiki

In which the occupier / Great Britain promised the Jews to establish Israel for them in Palestine.

The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II. Which was under the full control of the same countries that they divided the Arab big country into small states and /or supported the Jews against Arabs all the way no matter what. Arabs felt that what was happening was another backstab, unjust and a big conspiracy against them.

After WW2 and the Holocaust by the racist Hitler of Germany Jews immigrated in very large numbers to Palestine and used extreme force against the Palestinians who lived in Palestine for thousands of years. As a result Palestinians were expelled from their cities, farms and homes to the neighboring countries and elsewhere. Where millions of Palestinians are still living for over 60 years in refugee’s camps in many cases in non humane conditions. So poor that they have nothing to eat or dress, no health, no education, no social security number, they are not allowed to buy a property or work, Etc. All that Palestinian’s suffering is because some strangers suddenly decided to forcefully take Palestine.

How would you feel if some strangers just showed up and wanted to kick you out of your home by force ? claiming that their ancestors were in this spot 3000-4000 years ago. Would you say “OK “ and just leave the home you and your ancestors have been living in for thousands of years? .

Zionists have been controlling most of the world’s media power. Biased media do not show what Israelis do daily to Palestinians. When Palestinians in return do what equal to 1% of what the Israelis did, this media show that as 1000X as part of the brainwash and flipping facts machines working for Israel to portray Arabs as Aggressive bad people which is not true.

Arab generations understand that Palestine was stolen from Arabs by:

1-Biased, unlawful and unjust UN conspiracy resolution/s.

2-By extreme force.


1-400 years of the Ottoman occupation to the Arab country( since 1512 ) where the ottoman empire was a military one ignored education in times where many other powers where rising up though science and research.

2- The European occupation of the Arab country and dividing it into small states. Where Great Britain and France divided the Arab country through the Sykes–Picot Agreement in 1916.

3- Planting Israel in the middle of the Arabs so they will never be able to get re-unified again; and as a disastrous result part of the Arabs money have been wasted on silly armaments and armies. Also, as a result Zionism has been playing a bad role such as a Cancer inside the Arab body working 24/7 against Arabs issues.

4- Placing many ignorant puppet rulers (Dictators) to head the newly established small Arab states and as a result the resources and wealth of the Arabs were wasted in many different ways.

All the Above made the Arab world unstable place until now, 500 years of suffering and STILL going on...... Arabs are just good peaceful humans being backstabbed again and again and again; and stereotyped and portrayed wrongly
2012-09-28 02:29:55 UTC
Your original understanding was incorrect. Israel was part of the "British Palestine Mandate" as was Jordan but not an "Arabic country" as you specified. The British Mandate of Palestine was not a country. It was replaced by Israel and Jordan.

Your other understanding is also incorrect. Although the majority of Jewish people were in diaspora, there was always a presence in Israel looking to Jerusalem as their capital. Even the diaspora itself, thru millenium, looked at Jerusalem as capital, and kept in contact with each other via messengers to/from Jerusalem. They did not just automatically appear after the Holocaust. Even much earlier than Holocaust, they were already involved in the modern nation building process. Modern city of Tel Aviv itself was built from scratch out of sand dunes by early Jewish pioneers. Just because people don't recognize country doesn't mean the original inhabitants haven't recognized it as their country and that it is already in process. The diaspora never gave up hope to return to their homeland and it was already being built into a modern society. see presidential quotes:

1) Jewish people do live there with the Arabs, there are also Israeli citizens that are Arab. Jewish people never had issue living side by side with Arabs, it was vice versa.

2) prior to WW2 it was sparsely inhabited. Israel started building nation state, and Arabs did an "if you build it they will come" type of thing, not saying this vindictively mind you, they just traveled there for the trade, it is natural. More traveled there later for the wars, i will discuss in other statement.

3)The "West Bank" isn't a true name. The true name of the region of Israel is Judea and Samaria. It is a significant Jewish heritage site and also a namesake for millenium. People can't just give it a new name and erase Jewish heritage and deny Jewish existence there, to ethnically cleanse Jews from their own land. Gaza is really meaningless to the Israelis it is only a security concern. Historically there have been a few Jewish figures residing there and most of those people are from Egypt. It is really a non-issue if it weren't for the hostility emanating from Gaza

Setting aside where people are from, the crux of the problem is that Arabs are hostile. Jewish people have no problems living side by side with Arabs, the Israelis really just want to be left alone to live in peace. Palestinians on the other hand before this whole modern nation building process started, called themselves Syrians. Jordan had control of the "West Bank" for a very long time and multiple countries waged their wars on Israel simultaneously. Under every other international model in history hostile people that come from neighboring countries for warfare aren't counted as natives.

Jordan rec'd a significant portion of the former British Mandate, and that portion was to originally be for the Palestinians yet when Jordan had "West Bank" there was still warlike efforts against Israel by the Arabs. Not only were the Arabs hostile towards Israel, they were hostile against Jordan. They tried to assassinate the King and used a Jordanian soldier's head as soccer practice. That is how sick and brutal these people are. Jordan Army fought them off internally and kicked them over to Lebanon. It was during this time that Israel had to stare at her Holiest site through barbed wire, prevented from accessing it. Israel won her rights back after they won yet another war that the Arabs waged.

Syria with the help of Egypt concocted the whole PLO to overthrow all 3 of the fledgling countries. They developed the Black Sept. Group that fought with Jordan and did the Munich Massacre 1972. Israel, Lebanon and Jordan were all created at the same time in history. Even though most of those people were Syrians, that is what they called themselves before it was all begun, Syria abandoned them on Israel's doorstep just to fight against Israel. The ones that went back they keep them in refugee camps. Syria hates Israel that much it would do that to its own people.

I don't agree with the trade at all, and with that said, Israel wants peace so bad that it is willing to trade heritage land for peace even though historically that didn't work out too well with Hitler and the Sudetenland, he just used it to wage a larger war. The Palestinians also show they don't want land for peace, as demonstrated at Gaza, they just want continued pieces of Israel. Israel is a small country, the armed and hostile Palestinians is a big issue they just wont drop their arms and still teach their children they are Palestinians entitled to all the land, including modern Israel, and teach them to hate.
2012-09-28 01:47:34 UTC
What happened is that Palestine was Arab majority region before the mass Jewish immigration started. Zionists wanted to establish a Jewish majority state on Arab majority land. They used terrorism to drive the Arabs out (about 700,000 driven out by Zionists in '48 and 200,000 in '67), they bribed UN members and sent them death threats to make them vote for a plan that will divide Palestine between Arab natives and Jewish immigrants. That is how they created Israel. Ever since, this so-called state never stopped launching wars to steal more lands from their neighbors. The main issues today is that Israel refuses to allow the Arab refugees back in - the Israeli law of return states that only Jewish people can "return" although 99% of them (and their recorded ancestors) never set foot in Palestine! Israel refuses to withdraw from the occupied Arab territories and continues to build colonial settlements there to change the demographic composition. Israel is imposing inhumane blockade on the population of Gaza, stripping the Arabs in the West Bank from residency and destroying their villages and houses, and many other. So unless Israel is replaced with civilized democratic state where the right of return is not based on religion but previous residence and the elimination of all its colonial agenda, there will never be peace.

@Esther propaganda 101

So if a Chinese, European or African person converted to Judaism that will magically overnight make him a native Palestinian? How can Jews be native when they were immigrants without any proven link to the land? Why citing bias Israeli historians when we have official Mandate sources that say otherwise? This Wikipedia link contains official British Mandate statistics from the Survey of Palestine:

As you can see, the Arab population growth was natural (2.7) after the WWII and not affected by any mass immigration. I asked you before, how could hundreds of thousands of Arabs enter Palestine in such short period of time without being noticed by ANYONE? How come the Jewish share of population increased from 11% in 1920 to 33% in 1945 under this mass Arab immigration? Why did the founder of cultural Zionism Ahad Ha'am describe Palestine as Arab land where Arab natives left almos no fields uncultivated in 1891? British census of 1931 which you are ignorantly using as a source mentiones that 98% of Palestinian Muslims and 96% of Palestinian Christians were born in Palestine and that Arabic was the spoken language by the vast majority of population. Hourani immigrants did not settle in Palestine, they came to work for Arab farmers and they all left in the following years. Arab immigration to Palestine was small, seasonal and temporary. That is what the British sources say.


How about this, you provide one evidence of this imaginary Arab immigration to Palestine and I promise I will stop targeting your lies. So far you failed miserably! Or try to provide one video of Palestinians chanting death to Jews in their everyday demonstrations as you claimed, like the video showing happy Israelis chanting death to Arabs? Or give us one reference from the League of Nations where Palestinian Arabs from West Jordan River were given Transjordan in East Jordan river? Or one example of Muslim persecution of Chrisitnas in Palestine (for example it easy to find examples of Israeli persecution of Christians like expelling them and blocking their return, squeezing them out by building Jewish-only settlements, imposing travel restrictions on them...etc)? Or tell us how is calling an entire nation child haters not racism, why is anti-Islam truh and anti-Judaism hate? I didn't make up anything these are your own claims!!! Seriously, how can you people live with yourselves?

Israeli lies about Arab immigration to Palestine exposed:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.