That assumes Hitler alone hated Jews. For the Holocaust to even happen... for the Nuremberg laws to be accepted 10 years before... the hate had to already existed widespread, for him to harness.
It did. The "Protocol of the Elders" was used heavily by Nazis, & it's a preceding hate-incitement.
Before that, the Dreyfuss Affair stirred up such intense antisemitism in late 1800s, that it drove Hertzl to create the idea of harnessing the modern movement to nationalism (from empires) to form a Jewish country to make Jews safe.
Leaping back to Middle Ages, Martin Luther "The Jews and their Lies" describes burning them in fire, genociding, and Holocausting them.
Every action of the Nazis except the direct goal of mass killing without escape... had been implemented at Jews many, many times:
> Ghettos, by the Church
> Marked by yellow cloth - originally under Muslim rule. Later Church required yellow hats.
> Restrictions on jobs & proper citizenship.
> Attacks & mob or government let humiliations & killings, had a name already, pogrom.
The Holocaust shocked people. So it was studied, for why. The answer did NOT come back that racism happens & Jews happened (at 1/2 a percent of Germans) to be targeted. It came back, that the hate had a long deep root, with many unique elements, & that it would take long hard work to remove it.
Here's an OFFICIAL CATHOLIC perspective on it. He is speaking as a formal representative of the Church. Notice how he references it as an old hate, with roots in -misused (inaccurate)- Christian theology. And all the history events that led up to the Holocaust. (there are several links on that page)
He summarizes
"Was there a direct line from the anti-Jewish passages in the New Testament to the gas chambers at Auschwitz, as some have alleged? Probably not. The line was indirect, beginning around 150CE with gentile misreadings of the bitter intra-Jewish polemic contained in those writings. The theological anti-Judaism of the Church fathers, repeated endlessly in medieval and Renaissance-Reformation preaching, was the far greater culprit. It was the continuing rationale for the indefensible Christian conduct of the Middle Ages onward that was xenophobic and angry at Jewish resistance to absorption into the cultural mainstream. But because the Church’s preaching and its catechizing had long shaped the popular mind, a new phenomenon was able to come to birth: modern anti-Semitism."
Asker's comment: "Jews taught from birth that the Holocaust would still have happened to them"
Jews aren't taught that the Holocaust "would have happened." Period. There's no ownership of this as some expected event. However, it happened. Jews are taught, when age appropriate, why grandpa acts so odd sometimes & can't be soothed. And why grandma has a tattoo & cries when you ask about her mama.
Most importantly, the Jewish focus is on how to stop it in the future & how to live our lives, not on the past. So please stop bringing up Jews & victim past. That's -your- focus. We only care about what happens from here on out in the future.
@For Asker's comments
Your comment about not recognizing Hitler until they had a need, has nothing to do with whether there was widespread hate. People recognize politicians for many reasons. Hate flares into actions when general situation is bad.
You completely missed my point if the histories. You say the hate was merely at whatever minority was handy in 1930s. I point out how entrenched it was before then specifically at Jews... with even the Catholic Church pointing out it's roots in Christian theology. (Faulty) but not some random minority, but a specific group (Jews) for specific reasons (religious history & later secular additions).
I point out that genocide was the single new element to the Holocaust (matches to what you say), but that all the hate elements & even actions already existed - there had been mass murders of Jews before. The difference was Jews could escape before, by leaving Judaism. Also Lutherians did pay attention to Martin's book. Google for this - the Lutherian Church has made a formal apology to the Jewish community for doing that in their history.
"If they had not promulgated the Protocols they would have found another anti-Jewish myth to use as propaganda against them"
Exactly - that shows your original premise is inaccurate. "They would have found another anti-Jewish myth." They weren't conveniently picking randomly whatever was right in their faces around them. They went after Jews because of a long history of existence specific antiJewish animosity throughout Europe. If not from Protocols, then some other (of many sources) would have done.