Hello Rachel,
The Jewish state was re-created as the State of Israel because the Jewish People wanted to restore their sovereign state.
The last "indigenous" state (meaning run by the natives rather than by a foreign power) that comprised the area now called Israel and also referred to as “Palestine”, before the formation of the State of Israel, was the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judea with its capital at Jerusalem (now referred to as “East Jerusalem” also “the Old City”).
You can read about the Jewish Hasmonean dynasty here:
You can view the geographical position of the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judea, here:
You can view coins from the Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom of Judea, here:
Their independence came to an end because of a Roman invasion and most, but not all, Jews were expelled to many places including Europe.
The Holocaust speeded up the Return by the Jewish People to their homeland, which had already been underway before the second world war.
"The Jewish people have maintained a well-documented, unbroken presence in Israel for well over 3,000 years" (http://arabisraeliconflict.info/arab-israel-facts/fact-1-jewish-history-israel), from before the Arab invasion and occupation. Why then do we refer to a “Return” of the Jewish People? This is because although there was an unbroken Jewish presence in the land going back to biblical times, many of the Jewish communities remaining in exile wished to Return to their homeland.
Arab peoples deal with this Return of the Jewish People, by denying that the Jewish people are “the People of the Book" of the Quran, falsely claiming the Jewish People are all descendants of converts. So while millions of Jewish men, women, and children were murdered by the Nazis for being ethnically Jewish, the Palestinians allege that the Jewish people are not the Jewish people.
The reason is to perpetrate a hoax that Jewish Israelis are foreign invaders!
Consequently, the Jewish People are the only people in this world who are falsely and perversely accused of having "stolen" their own ancestral homeland, meaning Israel.
The Palestinians come from the peoples who invaded and occupied the Jewish land of Judea, and they also take their name from the name given to the land by the Roman occupiers, when the Romans renamed as “Palæstina”, the Jewish / Israelite land called Judea / Israel. “Palestine” has never been a sovereign country, but applies to an administrative area, that originally comprised today’s Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories.
When the Jewish People restored their state as the "State of Israel" in 1948 (being a small area about the size that Wales is in the U.K.), this was authorised under the United Nations “Partition Plan” which separated the land between Jewish and Arab areas.
The surrounding Arab countries attacked the newly re-established Jewish state, but lost the war.
You can read about the United Nations Partition Plan, here:
Arab people were living in Palestine when the Jewish state was restored as the State of Israel, and many Palestinians became war refugees (as did many Jews from Arab countries). These refugees had owned homes there, but home ownership is not proof of entitlement to the sovereignty of the land in which you live.
The Palestinians claim Israel expelled them. Not only is this untrue, but Palestinians live in Israel, and also Israel offers them citizenship. Most Palestinians refuse this citizenship because they believe Israel should not exist.
The Palestinians have expelled the Jewish people from all areas under Palestinian control.
In 1948 the Arab countries attacked the newly re-established State of Israel with the intention of ethnically-cleansing the Jewish Community from Israel, but lost the war. Jordan then occupied the West Bank and Egypt occupied the Gaza strip; neither offered these areas to the Palestinians:
In 1967 Israel gained control of these areas and as an attempt by Israel at “land for peace”, the Palestinians were later given autonomy for the West Bank and Gaza strip by Israel as part of a peace process which anticipated further negotiations for a peace treaty.
Since then, the Palestinians:
> Refuse to negotiate any peace treaty.
> Claim the whole of Israel.
> Consider themselves at war with Israel.
> Attack Israeli Jewish civilians as policy:
The following may also be found to be helpful:
(For Palestinian Terrorist attacks in 2016 scroll down to the heading “January 2016”:)
Please scroll down the following webpage where the information is to be found under its heading: “Comments”:
While there is just one Israel, there are 21 Arab plus more Muslim countries; plus Arab oil influence. So, with each member country having one vote you may not find it surprising that there have been many anti-Israel United Nations resolutions passed, including:
absurdly singling- out Jewish nationalism (Zionism) comparing it with racism (indeed a racist resolution, since repealed), and falsely and illogically alleging “occupation” and “illegal settlements”; all the areas being on land which was of the Jewish Kingdoms of Judea / Israel.
I hope this helps.