Does the land of Israel belong to them or not??
2008-03-04 10:40:15 UTC
Do you believe the land of Israel belongs to the Jews or not? If so why and if not why??
22 answers:
2008-03-04 10:46:46 UTC
There is nothing called the land of Israel!!!

Its Palestine, unfortunately its occupied by the Israelis!

Palestinians are all born and have been living in Palestine for over 5000 years, they didnt come from Poland and Russian and Europe to live in Settlements built over Palestinian villages and towns, over 500 village and town was completely destroyed between 1948 and 1967 during the Israel occupation!!!
2008-03-04 15:30:35 UTC
There were 2 Jewish kingdoms Israel and Judea but Israel went against God laws" worshiping Palestinian gods" and it did not last long. Judea lasted only 80 years. Jews did not control or lived in all of Palestine.There were the old Palestinian city-states on most of west coast cities.

To say the land belong to the Jews is big Zionist lie.

The native people of the land for the last 2000 years were called Palestinians in clouding the small numbers of Jews who lived in Palestine they were called Palestinians by other Jews.

So if Israel has the right to exist so dose Palestine this is a real facts that some Zionist tend to ignore.
2008-03-04 14:40:21 UTC
According to the British mandate, they gave the land to the jews at the end of ww2, a promise that was finally fulfiled and made before the first ww. The problem was, the British were nothing more than protectorates of the land that was occupied by the Palestinians for 3000 years before the jews tried to settle in Cannan, and started their land grab.

And contrary to what this jew girl, paperback says, there were not five nations that attacked Israel, as Israel made a pre-emptive strike against them, it was Israel that again fired the first shots, and then as usual, tried to lie their way out of the situation and claimed they were on the verge of being attacked.

Their success in destroying most of the other countries aircraft on the ground should be proof enough that it was another sneak attack, and not a defensive move.

Now one question, since the same situation took place in Iraq, where the British gave part of Iraq to Kuwait, and when Saddam tried to invade kuwait and reclaim the land, how come we made and fought against Saddam and returned Kuwait to them, yet, we allow the jews to overrun the palestinian territory, and keep the land? Talk about double standards.

Michael J: You are obviously quoting history as written in one of the new versions regarding Palestine. It seems since the formation of Israel, the jews along with help from the United States, has managed to eliminate most references to the existance of Palestine, to give more credence to the jewish take over of the land. There are many that even go so far as to claim there is or was no palestine or palestine people.

Thankfull, I am old enough to remember a different history.

I would suggest maybe get ahold of one of the older "Funk & Wagnells" encyclopedia's and read for yourself. Palestine was in existance since the 3rd millnium bc, and was inhabited by the Canaanites, and the Hebrews and jews came later.

The jews were not the original people on this land, not by a long shot, therefor have no claim as such.
2008-03-04 16:03:45 UTC
Religion, False Media, and Apartheid allow Palestine to be known as Israel. Palestine was a round much longer then the nation of Israel. Philistine and Israel co-existed so no one has that claim however not all Palestinians trace their roots to the Philistines but to the other Canaanite groups in the area now occupied by Israel and were conquered through massacres ordered by god if you want to check use your holy books, its in everyone. They only try to justify it through God but they have no legal right to the land only a source that they, themselves wrote several thousand years ago.

Btw: America just like Israel is stolen land, It belongs to the Native Americans but not anymore, it was a bad example and it would be a real shame to see the same thing happen to the Palestinians.
2008-03-04 15:03:21 UTC
Jew is a religion, and people of different countries can practice the Jewish religion.

Imagine if all people who like Big Macs wanted to form their own country, and all people who like KFC wanted to form another.

Israel is a historical kingdom that existed 2000 years ago. It was inhabited by Israelites. Today we have Ersatz israel inhibited by Israelites. It is just a mock up. It is false and dishonest, and it has no basis. The Israelites were Jewish but they were Arab Jews. Imagine yourself converting to Hindu. Do you think that would justify invasion and Holocaust in India?


Look at Vantz's post above.

It is a typical zionist hate speech. He says that Arab people didn't look after the land. They didn't till the soil. Just how low can these people go? It wasn't long ago we saw the IDF ripping up Arab olive trees. You only need a memory of about three and a half minutes to make a zionist look a fool.
2008-03-04 14:42:30 UTC
Go back in history for several thousand years and you will find that the entire land of Palestine belonged to the Jewish tribes. They were defeated by the Babylonians, Romans and so eventually lost their land. Then they returned to Palestine and although they were small in numbers they tilled the soil and made things grow. The Arabs had done nothing during the time they were in Palestine. Absolutely nothing! Israel is now a beautiful place with good roads, produce, technology, medicine, etc. Yes, Israel belongs to the Israelis and it will be a cold day in hell when the Arabs take it away.
Michael J
2008-03-04 15:06:11 UTC
Now, obviously it does. Israel exists and legitimately holds those lands (at least the pre-1967 areas), thus it clearly belongs to the Jews. As they say, possession is 9/10's of the law.

Historically, the land was ancestrally Jewish, though if one is not of the Jewish religion there's no reason they won't reject this point. The first one is irrefutable however.

EDIT: To clear up some grossly errant historical statements here:

Up until approx. 140 CE (approximately 1850 years ago) "Palestine" was called Israel/Judea, and the vast majority of those who lived there were Jews. Any claims that Palestinians were native to the land longer than that ago (5000 years suggested by one poster, 3000 another) are false. Some people make this mistake because the Philistines (a Greek/Minoan people NOT Arabs and NOT Palestinians) did conquer the southern Mediteranean coase of Israel (Gaza area) about 3000 years ago, though they were destroyed completely by the Babylonians (circa 586 BCE). By the time the name of the region was changed to Palestine, there was no Philistine people anymore. Secondly, the British promise for a Jewish state in Israel/Palestine was given well BEFORE WW II, stated explicitly in the Balfour Declaration (1917). Lastly, there was no covered up massacre of local Arabs that killed hundreds of thousands. That's not even a credible conspiracy theory.
Gigi kalooka and adham s victim
2008-03-06 06:42:48 UTC
no it is plasteen land

isreal is a liar just like it says they won 1973 war
2008-03-04 13:31:02 UTC
Loaded question,in other words it's not really a question. "Does the land of Israel belong to them..." presupposes the European atheists who developed the Jewish Agency were decendents of ancients hebrew because thier parents practiced judaism . Howevr to answer,the answer is no,Palestine - as it was known until 1948 - belongs to the Palestinians.
2008-03-05 13:40:58 UTC
Yes. Because we won the war.
Gamla Joe
2008-03-04 11:23:30 UTC
If I have said it once I will say it 1000 times.

From a legal standpoint there is no such thing as a land belonging to an ethnic/religious/or linguistic group.

Governments can own land, organizations can own land, and so can private organizations. That is it.

A particular group of people may have a historical, cultural, or a religious attachment to a piece of territory.

That is fine, but any rational legal system cannot take such subjective things into account.

As such to argue something is Jewish land or Arab land is an emotional argument that has no basis in facts or international law.
poem flower((mabrooook le Masr))
2008-03-05 13:40:47 UTC
I think they haven`t any right for this..
2008-03-04 14:27:55 UTC
No,no more than the U.S. does. About as many Europeans of jewish background migrated here as to Palestine but if the American Jewish Congress were to up and declare itself the government as it's equivelent in Palestine - the Jewish Agency - did in 1948,I can guarantee you the American people would not acknowledge it,and we would resist violently any attempt to subjugate us.
Cant Think of a Decent Username
2008-03-04 11:20:22 UTC
"The land of Israel" is nothing but the Biblical Name for the land that has now become "The State of Israel," after being taken by force from the Palestinians.

Sorry if my response will be too long, but I am trying to make it smaller.

To understand each country/religion's view of this, you need to start reading about this region's history all the way from the biblical times. I will try to summarize most of the events that had happened, and as an answer to your question, no, I do not believe the land of Israel belongs to a Jewish Authority, in fact I do not recognize The State of Israel as a country.

After the second world war, the U.K. promised the Jews a state where they will live safely, without any fear of racism (which of course had existed at that time). But this only lead to the British Authority trying to make Palestine - a home for Arabs for more than 2500 years - free for them to immigrate, killing hundreds of thousands of people who protested in the process. This fact was covered up, and only countries close to Palestine (Egypt, Jordan, and the surroundings) were able to get the neutral point of view, that people were being killed because of a piece of land that no longer belonged to "Israeli" Control .

The UK and all the countries the supported its actions (namely, the US) stated to the UN that they were only living there because this land belonged to them from the biblical times, and this was when the name Israel started circulating and an independent country. The UN made individual territories in Palestine, and the country Israel began to be recognized by the whole world, only few countries strongly refused to recognize it, and that was when war started between the Egyptian and Transjordanian forces and Israel, a state now recognized and supported with equipments from the US.

At that time, millions of Palestinians died, others immigrated or tried to immigrate to no result. And now, after all those years, more Palestinians are dying, and most people do not recognize the country's name, as opposed to how Israel is now being culturally popularized, as if to delete any proof of the existence of Palestine.

Luckily, there are still of us that remember the real history behind this, and will not forget how those people suffered...


For examples of how people are dying, here is a picture, taken only March 1st 2008:
2008-03-04 12:47:16 UTC
Israel is a Jewish name, so yeah, it belongs to Jews.
sim sim
2008-03-04 14:11:51 UTC
it's for Palestinian of course
2008-03-04 12:04:32 UTC
What's this got to do with travel?
2008-03-05 00:45:37 UTC
The Land of Israel has been lived in by the Jewish people, continuously, for over 5,000 years. At times there were very few, due to repeated occupation & re-occupation by a succession of conquering murderers, Babylonians, Byzantines, Ottomans, Romans, Mamaluks & the British, to name but a few.

Prior to 1948, there were just Palestinians in Israel - Palestinian Jews & Palestinian Arabs (Christians & Moslems).

The League of Nations' resolution creating the Palestine Mandate included the following significant clause: “Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country." No such recognition of Arab rights in Palestine was granted.

The 'Palestinians' as a nation of Moslems, were a creation of Yasir Arafat in 1964, with 2 main goals: to destroy the Jewish people living in the Land of Israel, & secondly, to line Arafat's own pockets. (Incidentally, isn't it curious that Arafat's wealthy widow lives in Malta in luxury, on proceeds from the money given by the European Development Fund, supposedly for the betterence of the lives of the Palestinian Arabs?).

From 1517-1917 Turkey's Ottoman Empire controlled a vast Arab empire, a portion of which is today Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine. During World War I (1914-1918), Turkey supported Germany. When Germany was defeated, so were the Turks. In 1916 control of the Southern portion of their Ottoman Empire was "mandated" to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence.

Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France... and "Palestine" (today's Jordan, Israel and "West Bank") was mandated to Great Britain. However, contrary to the agreements that were made in 1923, Egypt, Jordan & Lebanon abrogated their responsibilities to the Palestinian Arabs that were living on the Lands.

NO other peoples had ever established a National Homeland in the area previously known as "Palestine" since the Jews had done so 5,000 years before, so the British "looked favourably" upon the creation of a Jewish National Homeland throughout ALL of Palestine. The Jews had already begun mass immigration into Palestine in the 1880's as a result of serious pogroms in the old Soviet Union.

The incoming Jews cleared the land of swamps and malaria, scorpions, snakes & thistles, in preparation for the rebirth of Israel. This Jewish effort to revitalize the land attracted an equally large immigration of Arabs from neighbouring areas who were drawn by employment opportunities and healthier living conditions. There was never any attempt to "rid" the area of what few Arabs there were, or those Arab masses that immigrated into this area along with the Jews.

This contrasts with the actions of the governments of Morocco, Egypt, Iran (then Persia), Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon Syria &Yemen, who caused thousands of Jewish people to flee the homes that had been occupied by their families for generations. They ended up in pre-State 'Palestine'. (Even a cursory glance at the general population of Israel today, reveals a majority of dark-skinned Israelis, bearing testimony to their Middle-Eastern roots).

In 1923, the British divided the "Palestine" portion of the Ottoman Empire into two administrative districts. Jews would be permitted to settle only the West of the Jordan River. In effect, the British had "chopped off" 72.2% of the originally proposed Jewish Palestinian homeland to form an Arab Palestinian nation called Trans-Jordan (meaning "across the Jordan River"). This territory east of the Jordan River was given to Emir Abdullah (from Hejaz, now Saudi Arabia) who was not even an Arab-"Palestinian!" This portion of Palestine was renamed Trans-Jordan. Trans-Jordan was again renamed - "Jordan" in 1946. In other words, the Eastern 75% of what was Palestine was renamed twice, in effect, erasing all connection to the name "Palestine!" However, the bottom line is that the Palestinian Arabs were allocated an "Arab Palestinian" homeland, in what is now Jordan. The remaining 25% of Palestine (now West of the Jordan River) was to be the Jewish Palestinian homeland.

Encouraged and incited by growing Arab nationalism throughout the Middle East, the Arabs of that small remaining Palestinian territory west of the Jordan River, launched never-ending murderous attacks upon the Jewish Palestinians in an effort to drive them out. The British at first tried to maintain order but soon (due to the large oil deposits being discovered throughout the Arab Middle East) turned a blind eye. It became painfully clear to the Palestinian Jews that they must fight the Arabs and drive out the British.

In 1945, the United Nations took over from the failed League of Nations - and assumed the latter's obligations. Article 80 of the UN Charter states: "Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed, in or of itself, to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments to which Members of the United Nations may respectively be parties."

In 1947, the General Assembly of the UN passed Resolution 181, known as the Partition Plan, intended to divide the remaining 25% of Palestine into a Jewish Palestinian State and a SECOND Arab Palestinian State (Trans-Jordan being the first) based upon population concentrations. The Jewish Palestinians accepted... the Arab Palestinians rejected. By this time, ongoing investment from Jewish philanthropist from around the world, for example the Rothschild family, was turning a previously barren wilderness, into a habitable Land. Nevertheless, the Palestinian Arabs still wanted ALL of Palestine... both East AND West of the Jordan River.

In doing this, the General Assembly of the UN violated the League of the Nations' Mandate for Palestine in that it granted political rights to the Arabs in Western Palestine - yet, ironically, the Jews applauded the plan's passages while the Arabs worked to thwart it.

On May 14, 1948 the Palestinian Jews finally declared their own State of Israel and became "Israelis." On May 15, 1948, seven neighboring Arab armies, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen, invaded Israel. The invading Arab armies encouraged most of the Arabs living within the boundaries of the 'newly declared' Israel, to leave, in order to facilitate the slaughter of the Jews They were promised that they would be given all Jewish property after the 'victorious Arab armies' won the war. The truth is that 70% of the Palestinian Arabs who left in 1948 – perhaps 300,000 to 400,000 of them – never even saw an Israeli soldier! They did not flee because they feared Jewish thugs, but because of a rational and reasonable calculus: the Jews will be exterminated; we will get out of the way while that messy and dangerous business goes forward, and we will return afterwards to reclaim our homes, and to inherit those nice Jewish properties, built with Jewish money from overseas, as well. They guessed wrong; and the Palestinian Arabs are still tortured by the residual shame of their flight. Their shame is so great because in their eyes running from Jews was like running from women. So much for the blatant lie about Jews throwing out all the Palestinian Arabs.

To avoid bias, I put before you evidence documented by Arab writers & Statesmen:

Abu Mazen wrote in an article entitled "Madha `Alamna wa-Madha Yajib An Na`mal" [What We Have Learned and What We Should Do], published in "Falastineth-Thawra" [Revolutionary Palestine], the official journal of the PLO, Beirut, March 1976, "The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland...The Arab States succeeded in scattering the Palestinian people."

Khaled al-`Azm, who served as Prime Minister of Syria in 1948 and 1949, wrote in his memoirs (published in Beirut, 1973), that among the reasons for the Arab failure in 1948 was "the call by the Arab Governments to the inhabitants of Palestine to evacuate it and to leave for the bordering Arab countries, after having sown terror among them...Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave...We have brought destruction upon a million Arab refugees, by calling upon them and pleading with them to leave their land, their homes, their work and business..."

Harry C. Stebbens, who was in an official position in the British Mandatory Government in Palestine in 1947-48, wrote in the London Evening Standard (Friday, 10 January, 1969):

"Long before the end of the British mandate, between January and April, 48, practically all my Arab Palestinian staff of some 200 men and women and all of the 1800 labor force had left Haifa in spite of every possible effort to assure them of their safety if they stayed.

They all left for one or more of the following reasons:

1. The Arab terrorism engendered by the November, 1947, U.N. partition resolution frightened them to death of their imaginative souls and they feared Jewish retaliation.

2. Propagandists promised a blood bath as soon as the Mandate ended, in which the street of all the cities would run with blood.

3. The promised invasion by the foreign Arab armies (which started on May 14, 1948, with the Arab Legion massacre of some 200 Jewish settlers at Kfar Etzion) was preceded by extensive broadcasts from Cairo, Damascus, Amman, and Beirut to the effect that any Arabs who stayed woul
2008-03-04 12:36:48 UTC
Israel is the Jewish state. She takes up 0.01% of the middle east.

The Arabs have the other 99.9% of the middle east.

The British had the mandate of the region of Palestine. They gave 80% of it to the Arabs, and this is now JORDAN.

A tiny sliver of it went to the Jews - this is ISRAEL.

The rest was given to the Arabs again - this would have been another Arab state.

But the Arab world rejected this idea - because they would not accept any Jewish democratic state in the region.

Five Arab armies attacked Israel. Israel defended herself and has continued to do so ever since. If Israel loses ONCE - she ceases to exist. Simple as that.

Jews have always lived in the region. They lived there when it was Judea, and it would have remained Judea, had the Romans not conquered it, then renamed it 'Palestina' after the Philistines, who had already vanished.

There were Palestinian Jews worshipping in Jerusalem before Islam even EXISTED.
2008-03-04 11:50:13 UTC
Yes. Their claim, from the Torah, or Old and New Testament if you prefer (see Romans 12) of this promised land is consistently made in the Bible and goes further back than the Quran.
2008-03-04 11:25:22 UTC
does france belong to the french?

does american belong to the americans?

see what a double standard israel has? no one would ask that about anyone else.
2008-03-04 10:52:08 UTC
The Jews controlled Israel first, they control Israel now, they're the only group claiming ownership of Israel who aren't terrorists, they're the only group claiming ownership of Israel who have nowhere else to go, they're the only civilized group claiming ownership of Israel, and they're the only pro-American group claiming ownership of Israel. I'm satisfied that they should be its rightful owners.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.