as an israeli, let me prove your claims wrong:
1. terrorist and robbery? terrorism against structures and strategic military installation of the british during the mandate... was it ok when british occupied you but now its not ok when israel is doing it? don't be a hypocrite.
2. this is a blatant lie... i never met ONE israeli who thought he is special or chosen, its your own sense of inferiority speaking, get over it...
3.yes, an excellent example of how democratic this country is, no position of power puts you above the law, not even the president,
the despot Assad in syria is butchering his people, you try to put us in a bad light with rape?
the president in israel is not a role with much weight, the equivalent of a president in USA would be the israeli prime minister.
4.israel never even once violated a UN resolution, you probably refer to the general concoil resolution which is NONE BINDING by international law,
the resolution that counts for anything under international law (which you mistakenly think israel breaks) is a security council resolution (a BINDING resolution), which none was broken at any point in history by israel, educate yourself first on how international law and UN works before you use it as a point of argument.
5. yes, by arab\muslim countries, no surprise there,
the state was founded under a UN vote!, it is ok to use the UN resolutions (general council at that!) as a point to prove israel being illegitimate, but then doubt the legitimacy of another vote when it doesn't serve your interests?
6.the wall is seperating GAZA from ISRAEL, palestinians in gaza are NOT israeli citizens, we do not wall anything in our country, we are free to wall our borders as we please...
and the so called "wall" is basically covering a small section closest to israeli towns near gaza, the rest is a fence being patroled by the border patrol.
7. the only one between israel and palestinians that had anything to do with nazism are the palestinians, the mufti of jerusalem met with hitler himself and started the establishment of muslim SS regiments in the area to assist the Nazis, (google "mufti jerusalem hitler"
while the israelis sided and joined the british army occupying the land to fight off the nazis...
so a very bad argument you have there.
8. yes, not all citizens in israel want peace, there are extremists too, left wing extremists, right wing extremists, some people are also murderers, is this new to you? every country has such people... again, a very poor argument.
9.the lavon affair is open for debate, there are far too many claims stating too many things, i cant even make up my mind on what happened there, but i doubt israel will intentionally attack a US military ship... if it indeed happened as it was, it is most likely a friendly fire incident, and i am sure israel apologized more than once.
10. right... palestinians murdered dozens of swedish people! yeah!
source your claims, especially if they are faint and weak like that,
if a reporter is in a certain location covering a war, he knows the risk, same goes to a peace activists, if they are caught in the cross-fire, its because they choose to be there, no one asked them to come... cest la vie, i feel sorry for them, but they knew the risk,
and no one ever MURDERED (can you source murder intentions?) any of them... they got killed during a war caught in cross fire
11. what crimes? i didn't see any security council resolution stating israel breaking anything under international law, as i explained in #4
and what about hundreds of rockets fired from gaza on israeli civilian targets? ohh thats right! you are not a country yet so its ok to attack civilians by terror and rockets.
12. there are fanatics and extremists?!?! really?? again, same as #8, there are people with all kinds of opinions and its their right... get over it.
13. of course we do, we dont go around telling arab countries they should be wiped off the map, we are not a dictatorship killing our civilians by the thousands (see lebanon ruled by a declared terrorist org called hizbullah, see syria and the killing of their population by Assad, see iran\iraq and their past wars, extremists revolution, and claims of genocide) should i continue? no, such people are not yet ready to hold nuclear weapons,
and besides, its a war strategy for crying out loud, who said we should be fair on matters regarding war? if strategically we can prevent you from obtaining a threatening advantage to our security, we will,
i am not going to try and justify myself to you, nor apologize for it... we are in a state of war technically... its all fair in the war "game" (cold peace, never officially declared)
and yes! you could go all day long, and so can i, bottom line, you are changing nothing.