Is Israel the worst and most dangerous country in the world?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is Israel the worst and most dangerous country in the world?
25 answers:
Michael m
2012-03-20 17:50:51 UTC
I have to agree with the asker but to be fair at present I would place Syria as No. 1 , Iraq No.2 Afghaistan No. 3 and Somalia No. 4 and Israel No. 5 ' None of these 5 would I ever consider visiting Lets hope time will help improve them all but it will I fear take a long time.
2013-11-04 09:12:12 UTC
yes MR max left a comment below which I would like to add to.

You say Israel is the best country in the world because it stands in front of the terrorism I don't ***** think so mate, you guys are the terrorist, killing thousands of innocent people in GAZA. talking about twin tower were taken down by muslims or arabs. First it was not its just a propaganda by you Jews Mother ******* to make muslims look bad, Israelies did that, a nation where every one must have military training, a nation that creats a terrorist every single day, the difference is you hide behind other nations pretending they do the ACTS as always jews are the Victims. I am Really glad about what Hitler did killing you ******* thts what u deserve back stabbing bastards, but I am also sad that the Hitler did not kill all of youz, you made him the bad guy in front of the world. He Knew what ur nation is like and no you don't have a country of your own, you killed thousands to take over the land your call your country when it does not belong to you. If I could I wud nuke the whole of Israel guaranteed there will be no more suicide bombing after it no terrorist attacks either because I know it its all Israeli propaganda to gain power in the world and control every thing. I know I cant not do anything about it because I m 1 individual but who ever is reading this mark it down for Grand kids in 100 years from now these so called Israeliz are going to control the world and every one will be slaves those will be dark times. **** U AND UR RELEGION JEWS ( one day all will b clear no matter how clever you think you are#)
2012-03-20 20:49:36 UTC
If you were to offer an unbiased account then you could drag up similar lists for just about every country on earth ...some are just better than others at deflecting their misdemeanors !
2012-03-20 17:50:01 UTC
1. #7 proves best proves your incompetence in such matters

2. #4 proves you know nothing about the UN or world politics in general

3. #6 proves you don't understand that a wall is for security and does not make your country 'dangerous' (a wall is not a weapon)

4. #8 proves you lack the ability to balance the violence of a single terrorist with the peaceful actions of a nation that elected Rabin to negotiate peace

5. #1 proves you know nothing about the origins of every nation on the planet

6. #13 proves you know nothing about the difference between peaceful nations that possess nuclear weapons and uncivilized one that should never own them

7. #2 proves a lack of understanding of the history of Christianity

8. #12 makes me laugh

9. #5 proves you know nothing about danger since you cannot distinguish between aggression and being the target of aggression

10. #3 proves you know nothing about justice. You attack Israel as dangerous because they imprison a rapist even if he is a national leader, but you fawn over countries (#4) that free the rapists and stone the rape victims to death. That's really pretty twisted.

11. #11 proves your ignorance in the face of #4

12. #10 proves you don't know the difference between dozens and what's going on in those wonderful 'Arab Spring' countries right now

13. #9 proves you are unable to distinguish the difference between no deaths (Lavon) and thousands of deaths (9/11 or multiple other terrorist attacks)

To answer your question, Israel is not the most dangerous country in the world. Those change frequently and would be to the east of Israel, or to the south in northern Africa.
2012-03-20 17:34:43 UTC
1. No, it is based on religion and was obtained through legal means: given by the British who controlled the land.

2. That is completely untrue and it is just plain racist to believe that.

3. He was removed after the allegation. Would he have been removed had he been president of a Muslim country? Also he was born in Iran, so where do you think he learned those kinds of morals.

4. The UN is anti-Israel and almost all of the 'violations' are pre-2000 anyway.

5. It was legitimately given to the Jews by Britain and Jews have lived there consistently for thousands of years as opposed to the periodic habitation of Muslims.

6. The wall is for self-defence and it has caused a 90% reduction in terrorist attacks from Gaza. If there was no terrorism, there would be no wall.

7. That is just extremely racist and untrue. Hamas control Gaza and it is not connected to Israel. Hamas causes the conditions there.

8. He was killed by an extremist, not someone representative of the whole population. And speaking of extremists, look at how many people extremist Muslims kill as opposed to extremist Jews.

9. If you bothered to even just read wikipedia...'Both the Israeli and U.S. governments conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the identity of the USS Liberty.'

10. This is just wrong and another lie given out by the Palestinians. Can you even name one example?

11. The only 'crime' Israel commits is self-defence and it is reprimanded constantly. Hamas are terrorists. Where is their condemnation?

12. What?

13. Firstly, Israel has never confirmed having a nuclear weapon. Secondly, even if it did, the difference is that Israel would only use a nuclear weapon for self-defence purposes. Countries like Iran would use one to wipe out Israel. You can't compare the two.

It is clear that you are another misled fool who's views are tainted by racism. Maybe you should go visit the country and see what it's actually like.
Fake Name
2012-03-20 17:09:09 UTC
not really, according to it's only number 10 on the list
2012-03-20 17:01:20 UTC
No Somalia or Darfur is
Mark F
2012-03-21 04:53:34 UTC
And another anti-Semite troll is heard from. Yawn.
2012-03-21 02:23:11 UTC
Lol, no.

It feels safe and nice and for people who are under permanent attack, really friendly and clever.

Better go on all day long.
2012-03-20 22:46:41 UTC
It is dangerous as is the whole Middle East, and looking at the current events it may become the most dangerous country in the world in a very near future. For our propaganda friends here, I will post some credible links to back up some of your points:

1)Ex Zionist thug speaking out:

4) List of UN Security Council Resolutions on Israel:

6) The wall has nothing to do with security and everything to do with land grab and ethnic cleansing. It was built deep inside the occupied territories cutting lands and communities into half

9) Lavon Affair: Israeli secret agents trying to blow up American and British targets in Egypt to blame it on Muslims

10) Israeli latest execution of peace activists:
2016-10-21 07:12:03 UTC
Deadliest Country In The World
2012-03-22 14:46:06 UTC
as an israeli, let me prove your claims wrong:

1. terrorist and robbery? terrorism against structures and strategic military installation of the british during the mandate... was it ok when british occupied you but now its not ok when israel is doing it? don't be a hypocrite.

2. this is a blatant lie... i never met ONE israeli who thought he is special or chosen, its your own sense of inferiority speaking, get over it...

3.yes, an excellent example of how democratic this country is, no position of power puts you above the law, not even the president,

the despot Assad in syria is butchering his people, you try to put us in a bad light with rape?

the president in israel is not a role with much weight, the equivalent of a president in USA would be the israeli prime minister.

4.israel never even once violated a UN resolution, you probably refer to the general concoil resolution which is NONE BINDING by international law,

the resolution that counts for anything under international law (which you mistakenly think israel breaks) is a security council resolution (a BINDING resolution), which none was broken at any point in history by israel, educate yourself first on how international law and UN works before you use it as a point of argument.

5. yes, by arab\muslim countries, no surprise there,

the state was founded under a UN vote!, it is ok to use the UN resolutions (general council at that!) as a point to prove israel being illegitimate, but then doubt the legitimacy of another vote when it doesn't serve your interests?

6.the wall is seperating GAZA from ISRAEL, palestinians in gaza are NOT israeli citizens, we do not wall anything in our country, we are free to wall our borders as we please...

and the so called "wall" is basically covering a small section closest to israeli towns near gaza, the rest is a fence being patroled by the border patrol.

7. the only one between israel and palestinians that had anything to do with nazism are the palestinians, the mufti of jerusalem met with hitler himself and started the establishment of muslim SS regiments in the area to assist the Nazis, (google "mufti jerusalem hitler"

while the israelis sided and joined the british army occupying the land to fight off the nazis...

so a very bad argument you have there.

8. yes, not all citizens in israel want peace, there are extremists too, left wing extremists, right wing extremists, some people are also murderers, is this new to you? every country has such people... again, a very poor argument.

9.the lavon affair is open for debate, there are far too many claims stating too many things, i cant even make up my mind on what happened there, but i doubt israel will intentionally attack a US military ship... if it indeed happened as it was, it is most likely a friendly fire incident, and i am sure israel apologized more than once.

10. right... palestinians murdered dozens of swedish people! yeah!

source your claims, especially if they are faint and weak like that,

if a reporter is in a certain location covering a war, he knows the risk, same goes to a peace activists, if they are caught in the cross-fire, its because they choose to be there, no one asked them to come... cest la vie, i feel sorry for them, but they knew the risk,

and no one ever MURDERED (can you source murder intentions?) any of them... they got killed during a war caught in cross fire

11. what crimes? i didn't see any security council resolution stating israel breaking anything under international law, as i explained in #4

and what about hundreds of rockets fired from gaza on israeli civilian targets? ohh thats right! you are not a country yet so its ok to attack civilians by terror and rockets.

12. there are fanatics and extremists?!?! really?? again, same as #8, there are people with all kinds of opinions and its their right... get over it.

13. of course we do, we dont go around telling arab countries they should be wiped off the map, we are not a dictatorship killing our civilians by the thousands (see lebanon ruled by a declared terrorist org called hizbullah, see syria and the killing of their population by Assad, see iran\iraq and their past wars, extremists revolution, and claims of genocide) should i continue? no, such people are not yet ready to hold nuclear weapons,

and besides, its a war strategy for crying out loud, who said we should be fair on matters regarding war? if strategically we can prevent you from obtaining a threatening advantage to our security, we will,

i am not going to try and justify myself to you, nor apologize for it... we are in a state of war technically... its all fair in the war "game" (cold peace, never officially declared)

and yes! you could go all day long, and so can i, bottom line, you are changing nothing.
2012-03-20 18:27:19 UTC
Since others have effectively challenged you point by point, let me simply answer, no.

According to this website, these are the most dangerous countries in the world:

1. Afghanistan

2. Iraq

3. Somalia

4. Pakistan

5. Democratic Republic of Congo

6. Sudan

7. Yemen

8. Russian Caucasus

9. Guinea

10. Nigeria

Of course that was in July. I'm sure Syria must have made the list by now.

Hmm... Israel's nowhere on there...
2015-09-10 09:45:15 UTC
SAMP player
2012-03-21 00:09:18 UTC

One massacre than Israel did back in the 1950s. One of many on which the Israel state was founded.
2012-03-20 19:54:49 UTC
1900s -- "Jews are the worst & most dangerous on the planet"

2000's -- "Israel is the worst & most dangerous on the planet."

Substitute "Israel" for "Jews" & you get the newest target!!! Who to hate, attack. Most importantly, spread lies about.

Nothing on your list is remotely accurate once put into context of REALITY.

Anyone who thinks any of that is accurate, but wants to hear why it's not, is welcome to email me, when they come across this question be it now or years from now.
2012-03-20 18:24:13 UTC
No, Afghanistan is. People there are ignorant and live in the middle of constant war. People in Israel live safer lives and they have a way higher standard of living. Just because Israel does illegal things does not make it an unsafe country. Most people there are more comfortable than in the rest of the middle east.
2012-03-20 17:00:40 UTC
the most dangerous country is the US. They are being used as an empiric, military arm of the UN who killed more ******* people since 9/11 than you could ever imagine.
2012-03-20 17:21:30 UTC
Definitely not. I could list a hundreds of things wrong with the US, but that doesn't mean it's the worst.
2012-03-20 20:35:46 UTC
Yes. As you note it is above all law and controls the USG as it's attack dog.
2012-03-20 17:22:38 UTC
lets see shall we?

1.bali bombing

2.9/11 bombings bombing

4.bombing in Spain

5. bombing in moscow

6.bombings in india

7. almost daily car bombs in afghanistan and iraq

So far i count 7 countries and most of those are NOT in the middle east. What do these all have in common? Yep they were all done in the name of islam.

So far Israel has never started any of the wars in won, israel has never been a threat to any county outside of the middle east and you will never hear of people blowing up other people in the name of judaism in bali, london, spain, the usa or any other western country.

I live in australia and the only fear i have is of the islamic terrorist cells that exist here.

So, no islam is not a country, but it is far more dangerous.
Shay p
2012-03-20 17:23:35 UTC
1.Israel survives because it stands firm against terrorism, we the natives were not robed by Irgun or Hagana.

2.Some people in Israel do believe they are special, as for being chosen, chosen for what ??

3.Well he was found guilty and put in jail, end of story.

4.No wonder, the UN is controlled by Arabs.

Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Côte D'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen.

5.The badgers are Arabs,

6.Israel does not have a wall around it.

7.What a stupid assessment.

8.More than one leader in the world was assassinated by his own countryman.

9.Was explained on this site over and over, nothing new happened since the last time it was explained.

10.Israel did not.

11.What crimes, be specific.

12.Really I didn't know that, how many "fanatic Christians pushing for Armageddon" do you know.

14.Really ???? how many "weapons of mass destruction" does Israel have, what are your sorces.

2012-03-20 17:12:26 UTC
let's see:


1. Germany killed more people

2. USSR killed more people, including starving its own citizens

3. USA killed more people

4. UK killed and enslaved more people

5. Egypt killed more people

6. Iraq killed more people

7. Turkey killed more people

8. Iran killed more people

9. France killed and enslaved more people

10. Spain killed and enslaved more people

11. Syria killed more people

12. Jordan killed more palestinians in black september

i can go on like this for hours.

human rights issue:

1. Egypt - none

2. Syria - none

3. Saudi - none

4. Jordan - none

5. UAE - none

6. Iran - none

7. Turkey - none (they locked up journalists and politicians)

8. Darfur - none

9. Sudan - none

and i can go on like this for hours

free press?

free economy?

so to your question - no. Israel is not the worst and is not the most dangerous country in the world.

should i go for each one of the claims and refute them?
2012-03-20 17:27:45 UTC
Arilou is right. Israel is the one of the best nations in the world
2012-03-20 17:12:21 UTC
You look like one of those guys making falafel in the peasant areas of Amman.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.