Why is israel a "secular" democracy?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why is israel a "secular" democracy?
Seventeen answers:
2007-11-15 15:20:11 UTC
Usually i dont like to take the israeli side, i let Israelis do that but ill try and explain how i think they see it...

Israel is secular in the sense that relegion is not forced upon the people in the public, they are secular like the USA is in a way but Jews are obviously given special consideration because after all Israel is the "jewish state" and i would imagine Israel would try to preserve that principle upon which it was founded.

Otherwise in the end it will all have been for nothing.

"Edit" Sorry i may have been abit confusing, when i refered to Israel and said that Israel wanted to preserve the principle it was founded on. And when i made a partial comparision to the USA.

Im not saying that Israel wants to preserve the jewsish state like the christians in the USA want to preserve America as a "christian nation" not at all but some people my have goten the idea i was implying it so allow me to explain abit.

It was made a "safe house" for jews, a country that is and i would imagine Israel would want to preserve itself as a jewish state so that it may continue to be a "safe house" for jews otherwise Israelis and jews in particular may once again be liable to persecution if they where to live under others.
2007-11-15 15:50:43 UTC
Because there is a belief within Israel as there is in the United States of a seperation of religion and state. It leads to the creation of a much more accepting, civil, and humanitarian society that those societies that link Government and Religion as one. The dream of a Jewish State as that envisioned by Theodore Hertzl and the other early Zionist was for a Jewish homeland - preferably in the land of Israel which is the historic homeland of the Jewish people because of the anti-Semitism faced by Jews around the world. Many of these early Zionists were not all concerned with religious zeal as they were interested in self-preservation for as we like to call ourselves - members of the tribe.

Within Judaism there is more than one philosophy as to how the religion should be practiced (the main branches being the Orthodox, Conservative, and Reformed movements - but they are hardly the only ones). If Israel was declared a religious society then it might be made necessary as it is in other religious nation-states that all Jews and citizens with the country would need to adhere to a specific doctrine of Judaism. Keeping Israel a secular society avoid that reality of what would be the ugliest war of all. That a war between Jews as to what it means to be a Jew. We Jews have been able to keep such a civil war among ourselves at bay for many centuries now. Look at the 30 Years War and/or the blood letting that has occurred between the Sh'ites and Sunnis and you realize Israel being a secular state is a necessity.

Good Luck!!!
2007-11-16 08:12:44 UTC
It's actually quite simple, and I suspect you know that but are just trying to stir trouble.

Israel is a Jewish country in that it is a refuge for Jews. It has as the official but not only religion, Judaism. The shabbat is the Jewish one, not the Christian one.

It is secular in that non Jews are not discriminated against, nor secular Jews. People don't have to keep kosher, for example. This is the democratic aspect - but then I wouldn't expect you to understand that, of course.

Imagine if Israel was a total theocracy; then she would be accused of discriminating against any non Jews living there. She can't win, whatever she does.

Happily, we don't actually care if you object to the fact that Israel is a secular democracy. She will continue being this, even without YOUR agreement! (tone of heavy sarcasm)
2007-11-16 06:14:14 UTC
you can be Jewish and a secular

and this is the beauty of democracy! live and let live!!
Ultra N
2007-11-15 16:02:39 UTC
No, no no no no. It isn't Israel that doesn't make sense, it's your question that doesn't make sense.

I strongly urge you to think before you speak.
2007-11-15 14:51:56 UTC
Ironic eh? Even more ironic the Hassidim do not recognise the state of Israel as only HaMeshiach can restore it.... hence Ahmenijad visiting the ultra extremist rabbis in America recently....... weird eh!
2016-04-04 07:17:46 UTC
Palestine is a democracy, but in 2006 they voted for Hamas and that was condemned by the US and Israel. Remember a democracy is only real when the voting system supports a pro-US policies campaigner. Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and Turkey are also democracies. When the British and French bombed and occupied the world in colonialism, that was not democracy. When the USA bombed poor developing nations and crippled their infrastructure and sending its development back by 100 years, that is not a civilised or democratic nation. When Israel continues to oppress Gaza and treat its non-Jews like 3rd class citizens and giving them no rights, that is not democracy. However it is democracy if the USA says so
2007-11-16 08:02:09 UTC
Well you got me there....Although, Britian was the one pushed all of the local inhabitants out after WWII, and then the U.S. gave them the weapons to defend themselves. So, maybe SOME (not most) Jewish people are secular because God did not give the land to them. The US and Britian did!
2007-11-15 16:59:26 UTC
For one it is the land of there ancestors so there are historical ties besides religion. The fact that religious parties keep winning more seats each election shows not all Israelis agree that Israel should be secular, plus the fact that the Orthodox Jewish population is the fastest growing group in Israel.

Anyways the Israelis won the land fair and square, it was the Arabs after all who declared war on Israel only to be defeated each time, yet cry like sore losers.
2007-11-15 15:43:42 UTC
EU has made good points and some which I disagree - and I know he isn't taking sides but still he is mostly correct.

I know that one of the points is because jews had been persecuted all over the world- so the state of Israel found it most important to have laws that will help any jew to know he can have a home in Israel - about the religion issue - I think that the reason Israel is a place for the jews is because of the history the jewish people have with it.

BTW the Nazis didn't ask are you a secular jew (by heretige)or religious jew - I think that should answer your question as to why the state of Israel must be open to all jews even if they are secular and even if the state is secular -

you should also know that a religious government would not represent the citizens of Israel at all. most citizens do not want religion to be part of the decision making - they think religion has it's right place as religion and that is the answer to your question.
2007-11-15 17:36:33 UTC
Israel is an Apartheid Zionist State therefore you can not associate anything democratic with its principles. The so called democratic elements of the state are nothing more than a front to give an illusion that Israel is a democratic state. Israel is a theocratic state since it proclaims Judaism as the state's religion and also uses majority of Judaism elements as its laws and basis for social structures.
Michael J
2007-11-16 04:04:32 UTC
For starters, there is no official division between synagogue and state in Israel, so in effect God is recognized (kinda). The Jewish claim to Israel is multi-faceted, and certainly not the simplistic version you present. For starters, it is both historical and archaeological fact that Jews both inhabbitted and dominated in Israel for well over 1000 years until the start of the modern age. Whether or not the land was promised by God as the Old Testament claims, Jews have a claim to the land as historically ancestral. Therefore, even if one was completely secular and completely atheistic, he would still believe in the claim based on simple history. Secondly, even the most secular governments in the world recognize God to some degree. In the Western world, murder is considered wrong. However, without a concept of God and the accompanying defintion of morality/right and wrong, it is difficult to justify why certain actions are illegal and reprehensible while others are not. For example, beastiallity is considered illegal and reprehensible in nearly all Western countries, yet throughout history there have been a number of societies where the practice was accepted, or even common (including ancient Greece, the Celts and so on). The result seems to be that this law is established based on the moral principles of the society and not objective rationality. These principles are directly derived from the Judeo-Christian belief system which in effect is de facto recognition of God. Thus a country can have a secular legislative and governmental system while believing in God and any promises He may have made.
2007-11-15 15:39:49 UTC
Israel may be secular but they have a recognized religion. Like many countries that have recognized state religions. God is not finished bringing the Jews home. The prophets declared that G-d would not leave any behind. When the process is complete the Messiah will rule from Jerusalem.
2007-11-15 16:52:47 UTC
I see that no one can justify Israel's existance without bring "god" into the equation; this, by very definition, negates Israel's being a "secular" state.

The entire premise of Israel is that a certain group of people (Zionists) believe that an imaginary deity has given this particular land to the Jews. I don't believe in monotheism myself but if I were to, I still wouldn't believe that ANYone's god has ever held a real-estate license.

And if Israel were created to give the Jewish people a safe haven in the aftermath of the Holocaust, wouldn't it have made more sense to give them Germany, since that nation perpetuated the atrocity? Or was it just easier to pick on the Palestinians?
2007-11-15 23:58:18 UTC
Yes, the government and a lot of the public do not follow God, or what He said.

If not you can not have democracy. If the government was theocratic, Where would you fall?

Would your prefer an Hashemite King or perhaps Persian.

Jesus change your name and study up some huh? God will rule in Jerusalem and Jesus will rule the heavenly city. Two different things. God has always wanted to live on earth with His creation and has and will again. Jerusalem will be the capital of earth and it will be a theocracy.
2007-11-15 16:10:00 UTC
and what's the ligitimate claim of the arabs to that country

again and again it is said Israelis/Habirus lived in that country long do you understand LONG as in many years ago thousands of years of Judaisem long before Islam, long before Muhamad, It is the only country in the world given to people by GOD, you do belive in GOD don't you, call him Allah or any other name he gave it to them

"all the land of Canaan as an eternal possession, AND I WILL BE A GOD TO THEM Genesis 15 18-21

And who told you the government does not recognize GOD
2007-11-15 15:26:05 UTC
Jewish state and secular democracy do not go to gather.

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