Usually i dont like to take the israeli side, i let Israelis do that but ill try and explain how i think they see it...
Israel is secular in the sense that relegion is not forced upon the people in the public, they are secular like the USA is in a way but Jews are obviously given special consideration because after all Israel is the "jewish state" and i would imagine Israel would try to preserve that principle upon which it was founded.
Otherwise in the end it will all have been for nothing.
"Edit" Sorry i may have been abit confusing, when i refered to Israel and said that Israel wanted to preserve the principle it was founded on. And when i made a partial comparision to the USA.
Im not saying that Israel wants to preserve the jewsish state like the christians in the USA want to preserve America as a "christian nation" not at all but some people my have goten the idea i was implying it so allow me to explain abit.
It was made a "safe house" for jews, a country that is and i would imagine Israel would want to preserve itself as a jewish state so that it may continue to be a "safe house" for jews otherwise Israelis and jews in particular may once again be liable to persecution if they where to live under others.