why western world left israel critisize palestinians along last century?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
why western world left israel critisize palestinians along last century?
Fifteen answers:
2008-10-13 12:57:46 UTC
some say because they wanted to get rid of them.

some say it was about money, power and control

I say that they are both right.
Local Machine
2008-10-13 07:50:31 UTC
Let's wait and see who has the last saying in this here matter kid.

Personally I don't believe that "israel" will last more than a couple of years.

It's built on the wrong foundations and it will collapse like a sand tower.

Read the Holy-Book if you don't trust my words son.

It's all there in black and white.

The machine.
2008-10-13 16:20:44 UTC
Ethnic bigotry played a major role - the Ashkenazi were white Europeans - but Protestant romanticism also contributed to the fanciful notion of (presumably) re-establishing an ancient biblical kingdom. But the foremost factor was money. England needed war loans badly and Rothschild was wiling to provide it - in exchange for the Balfour Declaration. Since then the primary factor has been lavish zionist spending on major public relations firms throughout the world. Palestinians do not possess the resources to place their perspective before the world. The zionist state survives by advertising heavily,to put it bluntly - that and huge cash layouts from the U.S. government,which consists of politicians who to be re-elected must dance to the zionist tune or in the next election their opponent will find vast amounts of zionist cash dropping into his lap. Much of the money this appropriated goes in the advertising - and contributions to pro-zionist candidates. It's a vicious circle and it is currently spinning madly at ever-increasing speed.
2008-10-13 15:22:02 UTC
To Kishmet:

Did these historian record any Dinosaurs present in the area? Just wondering!

We should all listen to Benvenisti in that one. (an Israeli political scientist who was Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem under Teddy Kollek from 1971 to 1978 and administered East Jerusalem and its largely Arab neighbourhoods) :

"we actually destroyed the places as well. The Israeli erasure of Palestinian history was consciously as complete as possible."

"I was aware for quite some time that the Palestinian Research

Institute in Beirut was compiling files on each Palestinian village

in Israel. Since the beginning of the [Lebanon] war I wondered

about the fate of those files. I was fairly sure that General [Ariel]

Sharon and General Eitan would search them out, seize them,and

destroy them in order to complete the eradication of Arab Palestine.

That is what eventually happened when the Israeli army entered West


"The Israeli creation of a place called "Peace Forest" on the sites of eradicated Arab villages near Jerusalem, utterly destroyed to guarantee that the inhabitants never returned. "To call it Peace Forest," he laments, "to take well-meaning [Jewish] donors and with their money turn all these orchards into a picnic area for Israelis and tourists is something else entirely. This betrays not only a lack of sensitivity but is something that must eventually corrupt our youth ... Dehumanization is a contagious disease."

Concerning Arab population :

1) If not going back to history before 7'nth century, Arabs, under Islamic rule ruled this land for about 1300 years and it is nonsense to say that they were living in all surrounding areas, and they left Palestine (The richest Arabic country with resources) empty. This is anti-logic

2)The statistics before the 21'th century and until the beganing of 1960 are not relayable source because many Palestinians were nomads and did not even have birth certifications back then, and as you said many were avoiding taxes. This was not only in Palestine but in whole Arab world and even in many parts of the world like eastern Europe. The static accuracy in the world came lately with the end of the last century.

3)British sources are not relayable because they are partners in the conspiracy against Palestinians. Since they gave you this land in the first place.

4)Palestinians today suffer every day and since you came to this land, so please tell me, why would they stand for a land and handle all this forms of opression if they are not the true land owners. Considering the fact that Europe and Canada and other rich countries are open for every Palestinian for obvious reasons. Will Israelis be able to do the same for this land? I think you already know the answer as it is in (Ex chapter 32-33:3-4)

[FRIEDMAN, M., p. 179] :

"...the Jewish people are above history, and their political and spiritual destiny is determined directly by God, according to their fulfillment of Halacha."

Palestinian villages before Zionism:

All your attempts to erase history did not work because Arabs and Islam and Christianity is deeply rooted in Palestine.

As for your question, Zionists have been working for centuries on this, it is imposibble to take this land and gain full western support just like that. This western system which was led by UK and today US is opression system. They along with Israel killed more humans than anyone in the history did. Besides of many other crimes...

When God gives power, it is a test of how people use this power. So it is either for destiny or destruction. Today is the proof that this system took the destruction path...
River Jordan
2008-10-13 17:06:34 UTC
Money. They have a lot. Palestinians do not. It's very simple.
2008-10-15 16:40:09 UTC
The major powers have done as they pleased to do,without regard for the rights of the Palestinians.
2014-09-14 18:29:20 UTC

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2008-10-16 04:17:33 UTC
Palestinian suicide bombers blow up children, but they do not blow up corrupt Arab politicians, that is why therefore, since the people of the world have a brain, they have questionable motives. Arabs and Jews, but more Arabs, tend to asume everyone else on this planet is brainless and stupid, and whites too actually but not as badly as Arabs or Jews, more Arabs; anyone with a brain in their head is smart enough to figure out that when an ethnic group is being targeted, or religious it doesn't matter, the motives behind it are questionable.

It is very well known, the world over, how corrupt powerful Arabs are. Arabs have single handedly done more damage to the Palestinians than any IDF soldier, and do you see suicide bombers blowing THEM up? No, you don't.

Even Iraqis have more of a brain; Shia and Sunni set aside their differences, and sometimes they work together to blow up americans instead of each other. Or the corrupt government installed by this country. Case in point, they COULD blow up Kurds, or other ethnic minorities but instead they blow up Americans, the sources of their troubles, as well as the government.

Hardly sympathetic towards them though; I'm an Iraqi Jew, and its because of those damned animals that I'm stuck all family less all the way over here. Its one of the reasons I practice what little Karate I know with such passionate intensity; I'll be damned if I let Arab kidnappers get ME without a vicious fight! Well that and I hear ashkenazi Jews are turds, bullies and cowards, so I need to watch my back. Heard it, and experienced it; ashkenazi Jews are the reason I do not even know where my family is.

All the same; the Farhud, drove my family to Israel, where they became second class citizens. That in turn ensured my father would work a crap job for the IDF, eventually resulting in me being taken from my parents by a baby sitter who betrayed their trust.

I despise and loathe all you people, for your malice, your arrogance and damned self important crap, like its your right to drag the whole f*cking world down with you in a hell torn war, and frankly, I care very little about what happens to the middle east or its people. I get on answers on this section, in an effort to warn non- descendants of Abraham about you people.

Sooner or later, the world will catch on to your game; Jews are partly though not completely responsible for the current economic recession, and Arabs are responsible also partly for the economic recession given all the investments many Saudis and Oil Arabs have here. The price of oil is the single factor which keeps Africa on a starvation level; Africa is kept on a starvation level, reason being, if Africans starve, then they can't fight, and if they can't fight, the resources of subsaharan africa are that much easier to exploit.

The west gets rich, and the Al-Saud get even richer.

Black people from their rightful homelands though, starve to death and die of AIDS.

You ever ask yourself what our father Abraham would think of us?

Warren S
2008-10-12 22:07:34 UTC
Jewish groups purchased much of the land from Arab landowners. Most of the world is wise enough to know that once you sell land, taking it back without due compensation is stealing. Why do the Palestinians want to steal Israeli land? A two state solution is what most people in the world back. The Jewish people have returned to their ancestral home.
2008-10-13 00:41:05 UTC
Just you wait and see what will happen in the 21st century dude.

Winds of change are blowing already. Tables are turned ...Russian style!

The meek shall inherit the earth and that's a fact.

2008-10-13 06:04:12 UTC
The Palestinians claim that they are an ancient and indigenous people fails to stand up to historical scrutiny. Most Palestinian Arabs were newcomers to British Mandate Palestine. Until the 1967 Six-Day War made it expedient for Arabs to create a Palestinian peoplehood, local Arabs simply considered themselves part of the ‘great Arab nation’ or ‘southern Syrians.’

“Repeat a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it.”

Nazi propaganda master Joseph Goebbels

“All [that Palestinians] can agree on as a community is what they

want to destroy, not what they want to build.”

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman

There is no age-old Palestinian people. Most so-called Palestinians are relative newcomers to the Land of Israel

Like a mantra, Arabs repeatedly claim that the Palestinians are a native people. The concept of a ‘Stateless Palestinian people’ is not based on fact. It is a fabrication.

Palestinian Arabs cast themselves as a native people in “Palestine” – like the Aborigines in Australia or Native Americans in America. They portray the Jews as European imperialists and colonizers. This is simply untrue.

Until the Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in increasing numbers from the late 19th century to the turn of the 20th, the area called Palestine was a God-forsaken backwash that belonged to the Ottoman Empire, based in Turkey.

The land’s fragile ecology had been laid waste in the wake of the Arabs’ 7th-century conquest. In 1799, the population was at it lowest and estimated to be no more than 250,000 to 300,000 inhabitants in all the land.

At the turn of the 20th century, the Arab population west of the Jordan River (today, Israel and the West Bank) was about half a million inhabitants and east of the Jordan River perhaps 200,000.

The collapse of the agricultural system with the influx of nomadic tribes after the Arab conquest that created malarial swamps and denuded the ancient terrace system eroding the soil, was coupled by a tyrannous regime, a crippling tax system and absentee landowners that further decimated the population. Much of the indigenous population had long since migrated or disappeared. Very few Jews or Arabs lived in the region before the arrival of the first Zionists in the 1880s and most of those that did lived in abject poverty.

Most Arabs living west of the Jordan River in Israel, the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and Gaza are newcomers who came from surrounding Arab lands after the turn of the 20th century because they were attracted to the relative economic prosperity brought about by the Zionist Movement and the British in the 1920s and 1930s.

This is substantiated by eyewitness reports of a deserted country – including 18th-century reports from the British archaeologist Thomas Shaw, French author and historian Count Constantine Volney (Travels through Syria and Egypt, 1798); the mid-19th-century writings of Alphonse de Lamartine (Recollections of the East, 1835); Mark Twain (Innocents Abroad, 1867); and reports from the British Consul in Jerusalem (1857) that were sent back to London.

The Ottoman Turks’ census (1882) recorded only 141,000 Muslims in the Land of Israel. The real number is probably closer to 350,000 to 425,000, since many hid to avoid taxes. The British census in 1922 reported 650,000 Muslims.

Aerial photographs taken by German aviators during World War I show an underdeveloped country composed mainly of primitive hamlets. Ashdod, for instance, was a cluster of mud dwellings, Haifa a fishing village. In 1934 alone, 30,000 Syrian Arabs from the Hauran moved across the northern frontier into Mandate Palestine, attracted by work in and around the newly built British port and the construction of other infrastructure projects. They even dubbed Haifa Um el-Amal (‘the city of work’).

The fallacy of Arab claims that most Palestinians were indigenous to Palestine – not newcomers - is also bolstered by a 1909 vintage photograph of Nablus, today an Arab city on the West Bank with over 121,000 residents. Based on the number of buildings in the photo taken from the base of Mount Gerizim, the population in 1909 – Muslim Arabs and Jewish Samaritans – could not have been greater than 2,000 residents.

Family names of many Palestinians attest to their non-Palestinian origins. Just as Jews bear names like Berliner, Warsaw and Toledano, modern phone books in the Territories are filled with families named Elmisri (Egyptian), Chalabi (Syrian), Mugrabi (North Africa). Even George Habash – the arch-terrorist and head of Black September – bears a name with origins in Abyssinia or Ethiopia, Habash in both Arabic and Hebrew.

Palestinian nationality is an entity defined by its opposition to Zionism, and not its national aspirations.

What unites Palestinians has been their opposition to Jewish nationalism and the desire to stamp it out, not aspirations for their own state. Local patriotic feelings are generated only when a
The First Dragon
2008-10-12 21:56:50 UTC
The Palestinians came from other countries too.

The reason the Western world allows Israel to take Arab land is that Arabs were shooting at Israel from there, so Israel acted in self-defense. Palestinians have not stopped attacking Israel, so it seems to me they are unwise to let go of the captured land; but Israel is trying to promote peace. It won't work. You can't make peace with somebody who still wants you dead.
2008-10-13 11:52:20 UTC
because it was the right thing to do.
2008-10-13 03:34:52 UTC
Because most people knew their Bibles in those days and obeyed God.
2008-10-12 21:49:24 UTC
I don't know, I guess its the way of the world. America exists because the colonists slaughtered the natives.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.