Why is there this bizarre myth that before Israel, Muslims preached 'tolerance' to Jews?
2007-08-02 02:03:03 UTC
I keep seeing this stated and it goes against historical fact. BEFORE Israel was established in 1948, the Muslim world allied itself with Hitler during World War Two. The Muslim leaders publicly stated they wished to carry out the 'final solution' against the Jewish in the Middle East - just like Hitler was doing in Europe.

And again, BEFORE Israel was established, the Muslim world was producing and distributing rabidly racist material, not just against Jews but also against Christians.

Why do people keep denying this? It's historical, objective, verifiable FACT!
24 answers:
2007-08-02 20:43:31 UTC
During the Hevron Massacre of 1929, 67 Jews were killed, 60 injured, and their homes and businesses' were ransacked, all by Arabs. Last time I checked, the State of Israel wasn't even in existence in 1929. The British Mandate's response was to relocate all of the Jews to prevent another massacre.
2016-05-21 03:26:38 UTC
First of all, it is impossible for Bedoin Arabs to have lived there, since Arabic was not a spoke language 7000 years ago. Hebrew is not really a spoken language as well. This is the ignorance many can see on this forum. Most people just simply do not read books. These are also the same people who claim that they are religious yet say they have lived there 7000 years ago. 7000 years is against the bible, Torah and the Q'ran. Maybe 5000 years means 5000 earth days (from the book bible and genesis). As for the question, the only reason arabs say that is because otherwise they would have no claim to the land.
2007-08-02 08:20:40 UTC
Despite what a previous answerer said, this IS relevant.

The reason? Because at the moment, the Arab world seeks to convince everyone that it's 'only' problem with jews is the issue of Israel.

Your question and the facts that both you and others offer backing it up, PROVE beyond any doubt that the claim is false. The Muslim world has a problem with Israel because it is a jewish nation - not because of land.

For goodness sake, the first Palestinians WERE Jews!

I'm starring your question because you raise a point that people overlook.

As to the person who brought up the Holocaust: are you actually a bit mad? Nobody else but YOU raised this topic yet you are accusing us of using it!

Well done to all the more intelligent and fair replies on here.
2007-08-03 06:23:12 UTC
Islam has nothing to do with racism.

As a muslim country, Turkey was neutral during the war and lots of Jews trying to survive came to Turkey,and set a new life.There's not two Islams,there's only one.

And Hitler was a secret muslim i guess.

The history remembers. All the crusader attacks against muslims.So you can judge who was wishing for peace and who was not.
Michael J
2007-08-02 04:38:10 UTC
It's all a matter of perspective. Prior to Israel's founding and it's subsequent supremacy over its Arab neighbors, Jews had been a weak minority among Muslim lands. There they faced economic, judicial and personal persecution, yet as the Muslims 'had it good' to their knowledge everything was just fine. To them apparently, Jews as second-class citizens equals tolerance and peace. Then their world was turned upside down, and they simply could not deal with the reversal. Perhaps it is because Islam teaches that Muslims are superior to others that it was so difficult to now be the weaker party, but whatever the reason it has resulted in a wave of hate. Simply put, the Muslims think it was good because they were on top, and now that the Jews are on top they yearn for those days of "tolerance".

Another reason for this myth is that many people compare Islamic treatment of Jews to Christian treatment of Jews, in which case Muslims do come out as more tolerant. However, that they were more tolerant doesn't mean that they were tolerant.
2007-08-02 18:33:01 UTC
Another good thought provoking question London Minx. Seems to me that many (trying to be political correct there) think that if they keep on saying the same thing over and over and over again that it might become seen as true. Maybe George Orwell was predicting the future :(
2007-08-02 04:52:36 UTC
You know what you're right. Muslims did kill Jews in the Middle East and were perhaps very open about the hate for Jews just like Nazi Europe. Jews were being killed in Algeria, Yemen, Syria and Iraq this is a fact! But as a Muslim can I please say that Islam does teach tolerance and respect for other religions it is the Muslims that refuse to do so!!
2007-08-02 07:11:01 UTC
It was the Prophet Mohammed himself who attempted to negate the positive image of the Jew that had been prevalent earlier. According to historian Bernard Lewis, the Prophet Mohammed's original plan had been to induce the Jews to adopt Islam; when Mohammed began his rule at Medina in AD 622 he counted few supporters, so he adopted several Jewish practices-including daily prayer facing toward Jerusalem and the fast of Yom Kippur-in the hope of wooing the Jews. But the Jewish community rejected the Prophet Mohammed's religion, preferring to adhere to its own beliefs, whereupon Mohammed subsequently substituted Mecca for Jerusalem, and dropped many of the Jewish practices.

Jews faced the danger of incurring the wrath of a Muslim, in which case the Muslim could charge, however falsely, that the Jew had cursed Islam, an accusation against which the Jew could not defend himself. Islamic religious law decreed that, although murder of one Muslim by another Muslim was punishable by death, a Muslim who murdered a non-Muslim was given not the death penalty, but only the obligation to pay "blood money" to the family of the slain infidel. Even this punishment was unlikely, however, because the law held the testimony of a Jew or a Christian invalid against a Muslim, and the penalty could only be exacted under improbable conditions--when two Muslims were willing to testify against a brother Muslim for the sake of an infidel.

Rossonero NorCal SFECU
2007-08-02 08:30:39 UTC
A picture's worth 1,000 words, here's Yassar's uncle laughing it up with Der Fuhrer:

And doesn't Hitler's comment: "Germany's objective [is]...solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere" remind you of something Ahmedinijad would say today?
2007-08-02 03:05:00 UTC
You are totally right.

The Arab world did indeed support Hitler and in fact several of the Muslim spiritual leaders met with him also.

I have no idea why some people insist that the Muslims only have a problem over Israel. For 7 years I lived and worked in the Middle East, in Iraq and Jordan among others, and I heard so much racist against both Jews and Christians, I couldn't bear it.

People should wise up to the fact that the Muslim world is neither tolerant nor peaceful. If you haven't been to a Muslim country you simply cannot imagine what they really think because here in the UK their true feelings are expressed only behind closed doors of mosques and their own homes.

But I lived with them for many years and I'm telling you, it's nothing to do with Israel. The Muslims loathe both Jews and Christians with a passion that would surprise you.
2007-08-02 05:54:21 UTC
You are right Minx and many Arabs like to forget they wanted to be allied with Hitler and it was not only the Arabs. It is sometimes argued that people in the Muslim world were doing this because they were anti-British imperialist, but for many in the Muslim world - it was not only that - they really believed in the ideology of Hitler and saw the world through eyes not dissimilar to Hitler. Iran - the land of the Aryans - had many advocates in support of the Nazis which led the UK and the USSR to invade Iran and occupy it to prevent Iran from entering the war on the side of the Axis

Within the Arab world there were many acts of Hatred by Muslims towards Jews. Here is a link listing actions from the Jewish Virtual Library and some other notable actions by Muslims against Jews:

1929 Palestine riots

What was probably the worst thing was the actions of the by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to recruit Muslims for the Waffen SS and participate in actions to exterminate Jews After the war he claimed he was acting only in the name of Palestinian nationalism - anti-imperialism - but it is very evident with his actions he favored German imperialism and was aligned with Nazi doctrine (which he had been prior to his meeting with Hitler to form an alliance).

On actions of Muslims vs. Christians and Jews there is the decree of Caliph Al-Mutawakkil in 850

Discriminatory Badges for both Christians and Jews (long before Hitler)

The Dhimmis' Servitudes in Seville in 1100

Restrictions on Non-Muslims in the 11th Century

I am sure many of those writing against your question right now will give me thumbs down right now because they refuse to recognize the evils that Muslims do. Regardless I want to support your argument here.

Good Luck!!!
2007-08-02 09:19:08 UTC
You're right, Jews were never treated as equals (they were dhimmis along with all other non-Muslims), but until only recently, Jews were treated far better in Muslim lands than in Christian lands.

2007-08-02 09:07:16 UTC
To attach ANY notion of tolerance to Islam (re other religions) in the past and present..... is the same as saying the circle is square.
2007-08-02 02:43:09 UTC
islam as any religion isn't against anyone in particular, it is opposed to all those that don't adhere to it, only logical. all religions believe they are the only true faith. the fact remains that islam acknowledges the existence of judaism and christianity, and values their prophets, jesus and miriam. it is considered sacrilege to insult, disrespect or question the existence and the importance of any of them. deemed kofr. there are hadiths that point out the tolerance that mohamad had towards jews. they are part of islam's teachings. i think we tend to mix today's politics with religion. again, islam wants like any other faith to be the only valid religion, and like all preaches good against evil, it says do not cheat, do not lie, do not commit adultery, be kind to the poor, etc, and has its laws. like all it says if you follow these rules you shall go to heaven else you shall be punished. islam did not appear to fight or kill jews nor christians. no religion is a weapon although some tend to believe otherwise.

and btw concerning hitler, we were colonized by both the french and the british..duh*
2007-08-02 05:18:03 UTC
Straight from the horse's mouth (so to speak . . .) as the Koran clearly and unequivocally states:

Surah V: 51 – “O you who believe! DO NOT TAKE THE JEWS AND THE CHRISTIANS FOR FRIENDS; they are friends of each other; and whosoever among you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.”

Islam . . . the religion that loves to hate.

Note: AA . . . "dont pull that zionist argument of jews need a home land, there are no countries where are dominated by one faith group, thats why there are american air bases in saudi. "

Have you conveniently "forgotten" that NO American soldier is allowed to openly celebrate Christmas on Saudi soil and that ALL female troops, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RANK, are required to have a male drive their vehicle outside the base?

I guess you've also conveniently "forgotten" that NO Jewish American soldiers are allowed by the Saudi government to be posted to Saudi Arabia ?

Just how %^#& stupid do you think we are ? ? ?

Note: S.Aden . . . I would personally like to thank you for being a truely spiritual human being . . . honest, compassionate and rational. From your lips to Allah's ears!
2007-08-02 06:32:17 UTC
You've seen my posts before and you (I think) know what I stand for. I gave you a star because you are exactly right. I don't think I have to say any more.

2007-08-02 02:21:21 UTC
Islam has NEVER preached tolerance of Judaism - in fact definitely the opposite.The religion Islam was birthed in the blood of the Jewish peoples - Muslims "forget" that Mohammed`s first act after creating his religion was to lead a crusade that massacred thousands of Jews across the Middle East in fact he was the first to actively attempt a Holocaust since hs goal also was the eradication of Judaism.

Proclaim all they want about Islam being a peaceful religion but Muslims conveniently "forget" all the race hate that the quoran preaches.
2007-08-02 13:18:43 UTC
Well,Palestinians and Jews did live in peace in "PALESTINE" before the illegal and inmoral seizure and occupation of it.

See violence begets violence, once it was seized from the rightful owners by bloodshed, the bloodshed hasnt stop in over 50yrs. Time to give it back, I say.
2007-08-02 06:29:32 UTC
You have to take in account that during WWII most of the Moslem countries were under the military occupation of either Britain or France.

Why would anyone love his occupiers and help them against their enemies.

As a result, the public sentiments were indeed in favour of Hitler against our direct opressors... not out of love for the Nazi regime and its ultiamte, goals but rather out of hatred for our brutal colonialists.

So tell me, how relevant is this hidden fact you have just discovered to the current ME issue?

Ultimately I think what you say is just part of what I call the "obstruction of reality" campaign that the Zionists are leading... it is simply, trying to hide reality under a huge pile of useless talk (whether true or not), coming all the way from mythical historical Jewish rights starting in the bronze to this funny talk about love, hatred and tolerance.

Do I have to love you to make peace?

I'll tell you heck no... just give me what is mine (Occupied land) I'll give you what you need (Peace and recognition if this is really what you want, I truly doubt it) and let every one go his way. I don't want you to love me... and I definitely don't need your love!!!

And to be even more frank with you, who cares how were Jews treated by Moslems before Israel or even after, well Jews were treated like s**t by many people, I don't think adding the Moslems to the list will change anything... or do you want to tell me you care about Moslem's reputation...

Puh I'm really not interested... What is this insanity!!!
2007-08-02 04:02:44 UTC
Islam is peaceful religion ,, but in these days '' if someone want to be ,,,, he will say Muslims are terrorist
2007-08-02 06:33:19 UTC
It's convenient for their propaganda war. Nobody seems to notice that it is not accurate.
2007-08-02 03:43:18 UTC
typical a zionist that would rather live outside of Israel (dreaming of the promised land ha ha it will never be...), dam shame that your in my country, another one to educate oh dear.

you mean like the Italians supported hitler, why arent you on the italian board asking the same question? When was the last time you ate a pizza? Your just trying to stir up hate, havent you learned anything about hate? Remember it was the English (london minx you) that were hanging jews not so long ago or is it selective opression time?

If someone wanted to take my home such as hiltler then yeah i would fight them and expect the rest of the humanity to fight with me, shame that the zionists have just went and taken peoples homes. It doesnt belong to them simple it needs no more discussion, you have not spent any time in the arab world to know how mixed it is and how diverse it is, so please dont pull that zionist argument of jews need a home land, there are no countries where are dominated by one faith group, thats why there are american air bases in saudi.

Jewish people have fought long and hard to become a welcomed part of society where i live, thank goodness they dont want to give that up and see this country as thier rightful home otherwise there would be more people thinking like you, which is wrong and wants to seperate people along faith lines instead of uniting them

If your so keen on the whole Israel thing why dont you call yourself Israel minx, because in your heart you know its wrong.
Paul T
2007-08-02 02:10:40 UTC
Because they can't handle the truth.
2007-08-02 02:10:47 UTC
Muahmmed protected christians and jews at one stage from attacks.

Islam teaches peace. They do respect other ppls of the book(Abrahams faith).

But in times of war, as you know, every man for himself.

The same can be said for christian crusades, and for jews.

Its not good to dwell in the past, we have grown to know each others religions and hopefully become more aware and understanding.

Is it not better to forget and forgive?

Christians don't play cards like: Jews killed christ, so we'll hate them forever, anything that happens, God allows, for His reason and understanding.

Peace to all.


is the holocaust not enough to use for sympathy and to get what you want? You got Israel, you got the bankers, the media and power, and america wrapped around your little finger.

Why does this matter?

Opening up old scabs leaves scars.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.