You have to take in account that during WWII most of the Moslem countries were under the military occupation of either Britain or France.
Why would anyone love his occupiers and help them against their enemies.
As a result, the public sentiments were indeed in favour of Hitler against our direct opressors... not out of love for the Nazi regime and its ultiamte, goals but rather out of hatred for our brutal colonialists.
So tell me, how relevant is this hidden fact you have just discovered to the current ME issue?
Ultimately I think what you say is just part of what I call the "obstruction of reality" campaign that the Zionists are leading... it is simply, trying to hide reality under a huge pile of useless talk (whether true or not), coming all the way from mythical historical Jewish rights starting in the bronze to this funny talk about love, hatred and tolerance.
Do I have to love you to make peace?
I'll tell you heck no... just give me what is mine (Occupied land) I'll give you what you need (Peace and recognition if this is really what you want, I truly doubt it) and let every one go his way. I don't want you to love me... and I definitely don't need your love!!!
And to be even more frank with you, who cares how were Jews treated by Moslems before Israel or even after, well Jews were treated like s**t by many people, I don't think adding the Moslems to the list will change anything... or do you want to tell me you care about Moslem's reputation...
Puh I'm really not interested... What is this insanity!!!