yes - i forgot how unbiased those iranians can be when it comes to jews and israel...
what you have to realise is that Israel has something of a security issue.. there are suicide bombers and terrorists that regularly try to blow up israeli citizens... and so naturally security will be more tight..
its possible that you may be mistaken for an arab and be subject to more security checks..
you have to realise that Israel - unlike some other countries doesnt have the diverse ethnic mix that you might find in other places...
for instance - i as a resident of the uk can spot at a glance the differance between a roma gypsy, a gulf arab, a north african arab, a pakastani and people from india just by the way they look and dress...
but when my cousins came to visit from hungary - they had real trouble telling these kind of people apart. to them they all looked like the Roma they are used to seeing in Hungary, and thats just cos in hungary they dont have such a mix of people there...
does that make sense ? its the same in Israel, and im guessing that equally people in india would have trouble telling apart a person from the UK, or france or norway etc ..
In israel people are trained to recognise terrorists.. israel is a democratic country and you wont be thrown in jail for no reason..
its not fair that you might be targeted more just cos some israelis cant tell apart indians and arabs but that is the situation out there...
my advice to you is to act like a tourist... dont go wearing heavy coats in the summer etc and be aware of how your actions and behaviour might be percieved by other israelis - ie dont do anything suspicious...
if you are stopped, even if it seems unreasonable- stay calm and polite... remember - its not racism - its the situation there... israelis live with this kind of security every day and many of them will have experienced unfair or unreasonable security checks etc just cos they may look arab or palastinian...
its not a reason not to go to israel... despite the situation israelis are warm and welcoming and happy that people from any where come to israel...
dont mix up the security situation with the poeple - becuase the two arent the same... if you have any questions or fears then the best thing you can do is to contact your local israeli embassy ...