Hey, I'ld love to visit Occupied Palestine, what you call Israel, strange country, this Israel, built on stolen Palestinian lands, I'ld love to visit it, and apply for Citizenship, ooops, i can't, because I'm NOT Jewish, it's a JEWS only state, and all others are "lesser people". Actualy, I have friends who visited Occupied Palestine, and they said that it was lovely, and that they would get it back one day, God Willing they said.
I would love to visit this Jewish State and to see what Jews do to Palestinians, how they transformed thier Mosques to BARS, and how they took over thier homes, uprooted them and thier trees, built Ghettos for them, Built huge walls around thier cities and imposed severe travel restrictions, Hell! I'ld LOVE to visit this Frankenstien state, just to see things in action, possibly put some sense into the minds of all the pawns of the game, first thing I'ld do is tell the Israelis to go back to thier countries, and to allow all the Palestinian refugees who are living MISERABLE lives back to thier homes in Palestine, in Bethlehem, in Nazareth, in Haifa, in Gaza, in Jaffa, and all the other Palestinian cities. Why must a Jew from Poland or Russia, who has never been to palestine nor has his ancestor, be permitted to go live there and get a passport in les than 24 hours, while the Palestinian refugees living the Palestinian Dhiaspora are not allowed to return to the comfort of thier homes. Il'd love to visit this Aparthied State, the last Aparthied State in existence.
Bring it on, Are you like offering free tickets? and visa access? Please! You're so PATRIOTIC. You must feel very proud and happy that you're inviting people to see the Zionist Experiment.