I had a discussion about the Israeli-Palestine conflict with my college professor today?
2011-11-03 15:43:35 UTC
It was a brief but very intense discussion. Also a guy who JUST moved over here to the United States all the way from Palestine was in my class. Did (Jews) really kick out a bunch of inhabiting Palestinians in the land?

What gives the right to any religious people to create a nation state based on religion? Christians don't have one, Muslims don't have one, Buddhists don't have one...but Israel is specifically a Jewish State.

What's the truth here?
Twenty answers:
2011-11-04 06:34:09 UTC
Look, you'll only ever REALLY understand this conflict if youre Palestinian or israeli.

But many people like you want to be informed about it, i dont mind that at all.

for the palestinian point of view watch this

its a documentary, it not propaganda, because most of the people interviewed are Israeli, Jewish or american. from what i can tell there is only one Arab (his name gives it away). watch it, then compare it with any documentaries of the Israeli point of view, research more about the conflict, then decide whos in the wrong.
2011-11-04 15:07:48 UTC
Not just kick them out but terrorist like Irgun raped Palestinian women and burned down whole villages - just google Deir Yassin as one small example of their evil colonisation of Palestine.

Majority Arabs had lived peaceably alongside small Jewish communities for years but the beginning of israel with the Nazi like terrorism of it's founders like Ben-Gurion set the stage for ersatz israel - a sociopath country which is a constant running sore in the Middle east.

Israelis do not want peace they just want continued free handouts - welfare checks from the US taxpayer and the only way to maintain them is to keep conflicting with the Palestinians and neighbouring Arab countries.

Greedy workshy israelis goaded the USA into the diasterous Iraq Wars and now want to start World War 3 by inciting the USA to attack Iran.

If only the poor saps in America realised the monster their tax dollars continue to feed!
2011-11-04 04:45:41 UTC
I view Hatmanone as one of the most intellectually honest people in this section... But the claim that Palestinians left voluntarily makes about as much sense as saying Jews left 1933-1939 Germany voluntarily... Therefore it's not the Nazis fault. Purposely ignoring events like Dier Yassin, or in the Jews case Hitler's race laws, is the only way one could put the blame on the refugee. But even this is irrelevant, as they have a right to return under International law either way.

Famed Israeli Historian Benny Morris on Deir Yassin Massacre:

"News of the killings sparked terror within the Palestinian community, encouraging them to flee from their towns and villages in the face of Jewish troop advances, and it strengthened the resolve of Arab governments to intervene, which they did five weeks later."

And the real question is how can a religious group have ancestral rights? If a Chinese man converts to Judaism, does this now mean Palestine is his ancestral homeland? Under the flawed doctrine of Zionism... it does : /

@ Shitake - You know i like you Shitake, but i have to say that you make no sense on this one. You know very well that Israeli geneticists were the ones who discovered that Ashkenazi Jews are closer to Palestinians than they are to Mid Eastern Jews. And even that they carry the Cohen Gene at a higher rate than most people who call themselves Jews. If there is a Jewish people, then Palestinians are an integral part of it. If you disagree with this, then you're basically calling DNA and Hebrew University frauds.
2011-11-04 13:58:26 UTC
It is a bit more complicated than that.

1. Did ANY Jews kick out ANY Arabs? Sadly, yes. But, this was the exception not the rule.

Did any Arabs kick out any Jews? Yes. This was the rule not the exception.

And the proof is in the pudding.

About 80% of Palestine was granted independence in 1946 and renamed Jordan. They went to bed Palestinians and woke up Jordanians. And they ethnically cleansed all Jews from it.

Meanwhile 20% of all Israeli citizens and elected MKs are Arab Israelis. They were Palestinian Arabs and stayed in 1948.

ALL land seized by Arabs in 1948 was ethnically cleansed of Jews (e.g., West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem).

So, Israel is not "Jewish" in the sense that only Jews can live there or be citizens More than 20% of the citizens are NOT Jews.

And by the way, Christians and Muslims DO have states.

Most Arab states have official religions

In 1948, hundreds of thousands of Arabs DID flee a war zone created by invading Arab armies. But, this is not the same thing as being expelled by Jews. While some may have been, most fled at the request of Arab armies or from the fighting created by invading armies.

Some also fled because of reports of atrocities. Many of these were false reports. In fact, two Jordanians later admitted that making up atrocities backfired. Their intent was to make up fake atrocities in the hopes of making Palestinian Arabs so outraged they would go out and kill the Jews; they complained they had not expected them to get scared and flee instead.

And hundreds of thousands of Jews were expelled from Arab states in 1948 as well.

PS: to build on Hat's answer and your follow up question to him: Yes. There are many states that are officially Christian including:

Costa Rica[8]













Vatican City (Theocracy)



and England

States that have de facto state religions but not official: Andorra, Argentina,[2] Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Italy,[12] Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay,[13] Peru,[14] Poland,[15] Portugal, Slovakia and Spain[16
2011-11-04 01:54:45 UTC
If you want an example of how far people will go to twist things, look at pro-Israeli answers. It's truly ironic how they justify that Arabs wouldn't accept the UN RECOMMENDATION for an Israeli state, yet today they say that the UN can't create a PALESTINIAN state. "But a Palestinian state would threaten Israel". You mean like driving out hundreds of thousands of them and taking their property? Did you know that Arabs Israelis living in a state of marshall law in Israel for almost 20 years? We hear that Arabs wanted to destroy Israel, yet not of the attacks and expulsions BEFORE any foreign Arab set foot in Palestine. Nor do they mention that overwhelming majority of battles happened OUTSIDE of Israel, in land that was never partitioned to Israel. Nor do they tell you that Palestinians, Christian, Muslims and even some Jews ACCEPTED a 1939 British proposal that would create a democratic Palestine where EVERYONE was considered equal. The Zionists response? A terrorist campaign that outshown anything Hamas ever did. And when the Israelis took over, these thugs and murderers were not only pardoned, but lauded (in much the same way that Muslims are criticized for doing).

But ask yourself and any Zionist one simple question- this goes to credibility, if Christian and Muslim Palestinians were asked to stay, what plan did Israel have to stay a Jewish state? With the newly conquered areas of North Acre, Galilee and the area around Jerusalem, the Palestinians greatly outnumbered the Jews. How do you do that in a democracy? So what would happen if the Palestinians stayed? They must have had a plan, otherwise they wouldn't have made the move to occupy these area considering the population in Israel inside the partition was just BARELY Jewish majority. UNLESS Israel (and by that I mean David Ben-Gurion) knew all along that they wished to drive out the Palestinians.

So there you have it- Zionists turned down an offer of a democratic state and launched a terrorist campaign against the British, Palestinians and even UN officials

Israel with the Haganah and Irgun and later the IDF, started driving out Palestinians BEFORE the declaration of independence and subsequent attacks of Arab militias in areas OUTSIDE of Israel (which begs the query, isn't the fact that Israel sent troops into areas OUTSIDE of Israel an act of war in of itself?)

And this claim that overnight 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries as a result of Israeli independence is completely false. This happened over a period of years in which Zionists agents actively lobbied for Jewish communities to move to Israel (where a lot of cheap property had recently become available) On the other hand in less than a year 600,000-700,000 Palestinians (50,000 of them Christian BTW) were expelled.

The Best book to read on the subject is "Fateful Triangle", by Noam Chomsky. And when you hear a bunch of Zionists attack Chomsky (and you will), ask them " What SPECIFIC point is Chomsky wrong?" The book is full of footnotes citing source from credible sources. "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-49" is pretty good too- and by a Zionist (Benny Morris) no less!

As for Jews being a race- anybody that claims this, ask them this- Can a European convert to being Asian? A Native American convert to African?

@hatmanone here's a list of Palestinian settlements depopulated

Could you tell me which ones voluntarily left?

@curious1, you are mistaken, the countries you listed may have a Christian majority, but they are not CHRISTIAN countries. Take the USA for example, it has a very stringent view on religion in the state.

@afinity I'm pretty sure you know the difference between having a state Religion and being a Religious state. And I'm, pretty sure you're deliberately twisting the two.

@ cher, would you mind pointing out the specific points where either Morris or Chomsky is wrong? Sorry but the resources Morris used were declassified in the early 1980's, while he has altered his OPINION, he has never altered his FACTS- unless you can show otherwise.

@anvil, 350,000? Are you serious? Would you mind explaining why the British lied then in their census?
2011-11-04 00:55:02 UTC
I am American. I once asked a rabbi what race Jews were. He faltered some, and then said

"Jews could be any race."

I then asked if being a Jew meant that all Jews belonged to the Jewish religion.

The response was that:

"Judaism was not a religion."

What then. I asked is Judaism."

His response was that Judaism was a 'way of life'.

"Huum" I asked.

"So then, being a Catholic or Baptist?

Those two. are a "way of life, yes?

He did not have an answer.

So I questioned further.

"Huum...So then, Jews do Not have a religion, is that right?"

His answer:

"Whatever way you want to look at it."

2011-11-04 11:15:58 UTC
"Did (Jews) really kick out a bunch of inhabiting Palestinians in the land?"

Jews did not kick out any "palestinains", because the only Palestinians who have the right on this title are Jews themselves. Those you call "palestinians" are arabs who usurped this word and started to use it as a propagandistic weapon after being defeated by Jews in 1967. Before that, for all the world the word "Palestinian" was a synonym of the word "Jew"".

In 1948 Arabs attacked Israel because they did not want to accept the Un resolution about the creation in Palestine two states: one Arab and one Jewish( UN resolution number 181). Israel defeated Arabs and part of them - about 800,000- ran from Israel to Arab countries. Since then, they are called "palestinian refugees". Another part of Arabs who lived in Palestine - about 200,000 - stayed , did not run - and now they are the citizens of Israel.

"What gives the right to any religious people to create a nation state based on religion? "

Israel is a secular state. But if you forget, then let me remind you that the European countries - ALL of them- were created on the Christian princuples, and that until now the words" Christian world" have a very exact geographical meaning. Also, about the "rights to create a nation state based on religion" and the other melodramatic exclamations you are so fond of: Read the official names of practically any Arab country and you will see that they are sure they have all the right to call themselves "Islamic" like Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and another good dozen of states who proudly put they are Islamic States and moreover, put this directly in their official names.

Why donĀ“t you direct your righteous anger on them?
2011-11-04 08:25:33 UTC
Your College Professor is not doing what educationalists should be doing,namely encouraging you to discover the facts.

Fact 1-There are over 50 Muslim states some of which do not tolerate" infidels",practically all of which have expelled their Jewish/Hebrew population.

Fact 2-The Palestinians/Jordanian Arabs expelled every Jew from their territories.just like the Nazi's,and massacred those living in Gaza,Hebron,Tiberius and other places they had lived in for generations.

Fact 3-There were about 350,000 Arabs living in Israel when it was created.Most of them were immigrants attracted by the development of the area thanks to Jewish/Hebrew settlement.At present there are I,4million Arabs in Israel.They enjoy full rights as citizens with official language status and religious freedom.

Fact 4-Israel has been the land of the Hebrew people for 4,000 years.The Modern Israeli's speak the same language that their forefathers spoke .They pray and read the Bible in their own language and they have been Jews since they first settled in the land of Israel. This is the only nation from antiquity to have survived in the country of their birth.

Fact 5-Israel has faced Arab attacks and Palestinian terrorism and missile bombardment and has had to defend itself and it's citizens from murder and bloodshed.attempts to negotiate peace have failed because they want to destroy Israel much more than state building that Israel has been so successful at.

Micharda,a full time Israel basher needs to do some remedial reading on Israel's war of liberation.I suggest Menachem Begin's first hand details of what happened instead of basing her opinions on Guru Chomsky who can hardly be regarded as an authority except by impressionable undergraduates.

You claim there were 600,000-700,000 Palestinian Refugees,despite their being only 350,000 in Israel before the invasion of Arab forces.I suggest you go back to school to learn your numbers.

Yo does even better.He has inflated the number to 800,000.Almost as many as the Jews expelled from the Arab nations. Cortez,reveals his racism with his barb against "White "parents.

Rare 2 shows his ignorance about Hebrew people,Jewish religion and Israeli nationality.

African etc,suggest you use the Revolt as a better source of information than the infamous bennie morris.To claim that converts to Judaism have no right to the land of Israel shows his racial discrimination.Racism is a slur to be avoided.
Cher and Cher alike
2011-11-04 13:35:46 UTC
Europe was run by Christianity for most of it's existence since 2000 years ago, keeping Jews in ghettos, and persecuting everyone not-Christian. Most countries in Europe are Christian officially in their state documents. Jews were not allowed to be citizens until 1900s, & then they were largely turned over to the Nazis. Currently in the Middle East, Jews can't be citizens or own land in several countries. Some 800,000 Jews were evicted from Arab and Muslim countries and absorbed by Israel.

Israel is a secular democracy. It isn't based on "religion." The laws are secular. It is based on a community/nation that's been persecuted and some of it's laws are based on that. (It's not a race or ethnicity, it's a community - there's a big difference that Hitler didn't recognize & spread the race thing about falsely.) It's Jewish because there was a Jewish majority where it was formed. Also because Jews have been part of the middle east mosaic for over 3000 years, and deserve a sliver of the ME for self-rule.

Part of antisemitic bigotry in the Middle Eastern world, was to murder Jews any time they got uppity and wanted self-rule. This isn't just a European thing.

The ME is a complex mosaic with Coptics, Beduion, Druze, Armenians, Kurds, Bahia, etc, and it's bigotry to claim it can only be Muslim ruled.

The area in question was TURKISH OTTOMAN EMPIRE (not Arab, not Palestinian.) Palestinians were just garden variety Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, East Bank. It was JEWS who were called Palestinians and the jewish paper, the Jerusalem Post, was called the Palestinian Post.

Nothing was stolen, except that bigoted idea that only Muslim get self-rule there. As empires were breaking up, and the idea of countries were forming, Jews too got in line for their country. Whatever their motives, they picked a barren bearly populated area, made it productive -- which is when most of the Arabs moved in for the new jobs!!!! -- then petitioned UN and defended it militarily which is how countries were formed then. It was formed around a JEWISH MAJORITY as a democracy.

Take a close look at what you're questioning. The rights of Jews to exist as separate from others. It's the same issue that the Nazis had, and they were supported by the Arabs in this. The rights of Israel to even exist - a question not formed about Pakistan carved out of India. Some 800,000 Jews were evicted from Arab and Muslim countries and absorbed by Israel. It was a messy people swap. I've talked with Palestinians. They're data is skewed and when you tell them what Israelis are really thinking - they are releaved to learn there really is a nice, normal, peaceful country on the other side... and that they're need for these claims isn't needed. Point him toward sources like this to learn what Israelis are REALLY thinking:


It's quite disputable "fact." Less Arabs left Israeli area than were kicked out of Arab/Muslim countries. And most left at their own leadership's request without every seeing an Israeli soldier!


You've taken that out of context. The "news of horrors" was spread by the Arab leaders! THEY spread ideas of rapes, and murdering, that wasn't happening. You left out that. And Deir Yassin as told by ARABS there, were a military exchange where Arab men were wearing women's dresses with guns hidden underneath the skirts. It was an unusual clash event - not the norm at all, hence it's "the one" always brought up.

Also Benny Morris himself has backed away from his earlier books and claims. He no longer believes he presented an accurate or fair portrayal. Furthermore, his research was heavily questioned when he claimed data, from sources he never had access to. His work has to be read in conjunction with other work to come out accurate.


You didn't include that the expanding was largely to build safety zones, and to gain access to religious sites denied under Jordanian occupation.
Hey whatup
2011-11-04 00:52:36 UTC
Mm.. which ones evil? the one with kids throwing rocks at tanks(Palestine) Or the ones with the tanks blowing kids up and tearing down homes( isreal ) its very simple most people who cant see it are being brainwashed by the white Arab hating parents this coming from a Christin who lost a friend in 9/11
2011-11-04 00:43:23 UTC
The difference between Jews, Christians and Muslims is that Christianity and Islam are basically strictly religions. They are belief systems, if you don't believe you are no longer considered a Christian or Muslim. But being Jewish is different. For example, the Jews who were persecuted by Arabs and by Europeans throughout the past 2000 years were not persecuted because they believed in a different religion, they were persecuted because they were a different people. Hitler didn't target religious Jews because he was disgruntled by the Jewish religious, Hitler wanted to rid the world of all people who trace their ancestry to ancient Judea, because they are supposedly inherently evil.

Indeed one can be an atheist and Jewish. Judaism is both a religion and a people. Israel was not formed as a state for the Jewish religion, it is not a theocracy and is not run by religious laws. Israel was specifically formed as the homeland of the Jewish people, it is the fruit of the Zionist organization which declared that the Jewish people need to re-establish their state in their historical homeland where Jews originally came from. In fact, the majority of Jewish Israelis are not believers in god and do not follow the religion, the state is a democracy and is run by secular rule. The only religious aspect in Israel is that there is no civil marriage, all marriage goes through religious proceedings. This hardly makes it a state for a religion.

The war which took place in 1948 was a result of the lack of acceptance of Arabs for the creation of Israel. The war in 1948 which resulted in some 500,000 people losing their homes was a war in which the Arabs, unhappy about the creation of Israel went on a war of extermination, as claimed by their own leaders. This war also resulted in an excess of 900,000 Jews losing their homes in Arab countries as well as all Jews being forced out of the West Bank and Gaza, while 160,000 Arabs remained in Israel to become Israeli citizens.

Any one sided view is propaganda. In reality, Arabs went on a war of extermination with the aim of taking over all of Israel with what they themselves called "rivers of blood" and on the other hand, Israel took the opportunity of the war to expand its own territory. No side is angelic and pure.
2011-11-03 23:46:02 UTC
When Israel was recognized by America as a State; and thus legitimized as a State... About 800,000 Palestinians were expelled. This is an indisputable fact!!!!!

It's honestly ridiculous to go back to a land you once "claim" to have. I mean if that's the case than this world would be a mess. IT's sooooo stupid and what's even funnier is that Jews try to defend this defenseless claim. It's just moronic tbh....

I support the Palestinans 100%. I talk about my beliefs freely. When discussing Palestine with my professors, they tell me that they are also Pro-Palestine. Every intellectual individual knows that Israelis are WRONG!!!

@hatmanoun: WTF???? WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON???? You Jews kick out Palestinians so your dumb people could go and live in their homes. Settlement homes, does this ring a bell????
2011-11-04 17:09:52 UTC
Yes, Jewish fanatics from Europe kicked as much as 700,000 Palestinian Arabs in 1948 from their lands, who are until this day denied the right of return just because they are Jews (the Israeli law of return states that only Jews can return, even those 99% of Jews who have no origin in Palestine what so ever). First Israeli leaders were not stupid. They knew that they couldn't establish a state for all Jews in the world in that densely populated Arab land without the expulsion of Arab population first. Here, by their own words from original Israeli sources:

According to Haganah archives uncovered by Benni Morris, the main reason for Palestinian exodus was Jewish terrorism. Majority fled in fear of being killed or abused.


What they teach you there in Israel is not true my dear friend. Palestine was Arab developed land long before Jewish fanatics came from Europe. British Mandate official reports say that not me ( ). Long before that, and during the Ottoman times, Zionist first leaders themselves described Palestine as Arab land, where Arab farmers left almost no fields uncultivated, educate yourself more:


Did you know that Jewish population of Palestine as of 1517 was less than 2%? "You" were not there before the Arabs. Just because some Iraqi Jews settled Palestine 3000 years ago that doesn't mean Palestine should belong to every person of Jewish faith 3000 years later. Only in Israel this sounds like a valid argument. Genetic studies, as well as historical facts, prove that Palestinian Arabs are indeed descendants of peoples who lived in Palestine since prehistoric times. Arabs did not accept the UN partition plan (which was approved only after Zionist bribe and death threats in the UN) because it was not fair, but they did not go into war with Israel because of that. Zionist fanatics although accepted the plan (of course it was a huge land grab for them) did not have any intentions to respect it ( ) that is why they started attacking areas allotted by the same UN plan to the Arab state looting, destroying, and killing every non-Jew on their way.


Can any Muslim become a citizen of Iran or Saudi Arabia just because he or she is Muslim? No, but according to Israeli law, any person with Jewish faith can immigrate to Israel just because he is Jewish. In other words, the law of return in Israel, unlike in normal countries, is based on religion rather than previous residence.


What happened in Palestine is the opposite my dear friend. Jewish fanatics wiped out Palestine and majority of its population and not the other way around. Israeli policy is still the same, to establish a Jewish-majority on as much Arab land as possible. Palestinian Arabs do not want to leave Israel because it is their land, long before Israel came into being.


Maybe you want to be the first Israeli supporter to prove that Arabs expelled their Jewish citizens? Did you know that Israeli secret agents planted bombs targeting Iraqi Jews who refused to immigrate to this so-called state? Guess they don't teach you that in Israel do they? Palestine and Jordan were separate during both Ottoman and British times, so how did Palestine become Jordan? And besides, both Jordan and Palestine had Arab majority. There was no room for any Jewish state there without the expulsion of Arab population. And maybe you can help us find this Arab order for Palestinians to leave? Erskine Childers examined all radio monitoring as of 1948 and didn't find any Arab order for the Palestinians to leave, but only flat orders to civilians stay put and not leave. The only evacuation orders, (in addition to many lies and threats to the Arabs who refuse to leave) came from Israeli radio stations.


There were no Jewish majority areas in Palestine before 1948:

Even the areas carved by the UN had majority Arab population according to Palestine Administration special investigation. And Israel was created on much bigger territories than generously given to Jewish fanatics by the UN (after Zionist bribe and death threats in the UN of course). Which means Israel was created on vast Arab majority areas. That is why Israel is a terrible mistake. So it should have been Arab state and not Jewish.

Ottoman and British census show that Palestine was densely populated and not "barren". Israeli first leaders said the same :

Calling Jewish immigrants and Palestinian refugees people swap is propaganda:
2011-11-03 23:09:08 UTC
Muslims don't have state based on their religion? You are right, they have about 40



Saudi Arabia














There could have even been a Palestinian State had the Palestinians not continuously knocked back all offers made by the UN or by Israel. Even during the 19 years Jordan and Egypt controlled the West Bank and Gaza their were plenty of opportunities to make a Palestine back then.

Yet most Islamic states have a problem with just one tiny Jewish state

Unlike most of these Islamic states, Israel allows freedom of religion. And unlike the Muslim states, all Israeli citizens are entitled to the same benefits of citizenship.


I never said anything about anyone being kicked out of homs, so your rebuttal to me is irrelevant to what I said. Regardless of that the fact is that the majority of Muslims who left Israel in 1948 did so voluntarily as they though Israel would be short lived. Settlements are a different issue and I am not a supporter of the settlements. Nevertheless the settlements up barely 5% of the West bank, a tiny amount. The Arab claims of "land theives" is emotional blackmail propaganda based on a distortion due to the tiny amount of the West Bank the settlements actually take up. The way they carry on you would think the settlements take up over half of the West Bank. And lets not flrget the fact Israel pulled all settlements out of Gaza 5 years ago.

The Palestinians knocked back statehood in 1947. Even Mahmood Abbas last week admitted that was a major error by the Arabs

What planet are YOU living on. The Palestinians are used as pawns by the Arab world to deflect anger towards Israel and hide Arab leaders corruption. It is a pity really, because you guys could have had statehood years ago with the right leadership
2011-11-03 23:52:02 UTC
the usa, europe, australia etc ARE christian countries. they dont have to express this as it just IS. yes these countries allow other religions to live within them but what do you think would and will happen if another religion tried to take them over.... yep war.

israel has more than 1 million muslims who live inside its borders and hundreds of thousands of christians as well. in fact israel has taken in many christian refugees and other religions over the years from countries such as vietnam, lebanon and the sudan ( muslim and christian). ( read simon deng's latest speech... he is a sudanese christian).

people say that israel mistreats muslims who live within its border and yet the muslims who do live there do not want to live under palestinian rule. so much so that many of them volunteer for the israeli army... it is not madatory for them.... to fight against the palestinians. also there has never been a christian palestinian suicide bomber. one has to ask why not? because they are also fully aware of what will happen to them if muslim palestinians take over, and also they enjoy many freedoms and successes under israeli rule. they are per population the most educated and economically successful in israel... even more so than israeli jews.

i might add that rather than listening to others opinions.... even mine... why not do your own research. read some history books that are as unbiased as possible. eg. not written by either a jew or an arab. perhaps even visit israel and the territories and see where all of the american aid goes to. eg. the christians in the territories have built lovely homes and businesses, schools, universities etc. the muslim in the territories live in hovels they wont clean or maintain but outside of every home are hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cars.. ... dont believe me? go see for yourself.
2011-11-03 23:08:59 UTC
first of all, israel did not expel anyone from his house.

second, a Jew, it is also a race, not just a religion.

many jews lived in israel long before the state of israel was established.

and we were here long before the Arabs.

and my advice, do not believe what the palestinians say, before you do, do a thorough investigation that 99% of what they say is propaganda as the nazis.

and do not let the pictures and video and the cheap use they do with it to fool you, always check the facts.

the arabs that were in the declaration of state of Israel, decided to leave because they thought Israel would lose the war against the arab states.

israel won with God's help.

the arabs did not accept the UN partition in Israel and then of course blamed the jews, that they were expelled them from their homes, of course silly propaganda and without foundation.
2011-11-03 22:47:17 UTC
Israel gets to kick people off their land and to oppress those people due to the fact that they are extremely vicious militarily and the USA is their ally. It turns out that whoever has the most military power gets to make the rules, for right or wrong.

The fairy tale "It's ours rightfully because GOD said so" is an obvious excuse so that those Israelis with a conscience don't have to feel guilty, because anything you do in GOD's name is fine, even if it means slaughtering families.
2011-11-03 22:44:32 UTC
Israel rocks and the so-called "Palestinians" stink. And so does that disgusting professor, typical of the liberal and other Israel-hating vermin that infest our colleges and universities.

Those disgruntled Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians" stood around and allowed the land to deteriorate for centuries, while most of them masturbated in the desert or placed ladders on camels backs so they could climb up and screw them.

Then, when the Jews come in like a varsity basketball team and score big time, they cry "foul." This type of complaint is exactly those in the United States, regarding the "hard done by" treatment of people who shot arrows into people and scalped them. Oh yes, their "land was stolen." Well, I hope the "Palestinians" did get their "land stolen," mainly because I don't like the way they danced in the streets to celebrate our 9/11 horror.

Screw you, you "Palestinians." And stand up and tell that professor to shut his mouth. It will be far better than anything else that you could do or learn in college.
2011-11-03 23:20:48 UTC
Both you and your friend are perfectly right . This is what our Israeli friends fail to ever mention while celebrating their "glorious" history and even as late as 2008 they bombed and killed 1.400 imprisoned civilians in Gaza, a courageous action considering these people had not a single weapon which to defend themselves

These are the actions of an "oppressed nation"
2011-11-03 22:46:46 UTC
...ALL "that" LAND ! ...every square inch of it was given to the Tribes of the Hebrew Nation by the Landowner Himself ! (many thousands of years ago !) ...Palestine is the orchestration of the United Nations... not God (YHVH)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.