If you want an example of how far people will go to twist things, look at pro-Israeli answers. It's truly ironic how they justify that Arabs wouldn't accept the UN RECOMMENDATION for an Israeli state, yet today they say that the UN can't create a PALESTINIAN state. "But a Palestinian state would threaten Israel". You mean like driving out hundreds of thousands of them and taking their property? Did you know that Arabs Israelis living in a state of marshall law in Israel for almost 20 years? We hear that Arabs wanted to destroy Israel, yet not of the attacks and expulsions BEFORE any foreign Arab set foot in Palestine. Nor do they mention that overwhelming majority of battles happened OUTSIDE of Israel, in land that was never partitioned to Israel. Nor do they tell you that Palestinians, Christian, Muslims and even some Jews ACCEPTED a 1939 British proposal that would create a democratic Palestine where EVERYONE was considered equal. The Zionists response? A terrorist campaign that outshown anything Hamas ever did. And when the Israelis took over, these thugs and murderers were not only pardoned, but lauded (in much the same way that Muslims are criticized for doing).
But ask yourself and any Zionist one simple question- this goes to credibility, if Christian and Muslim Palestinians were asked to stay, what plan did Israel have to stay a Jewish state? With the newly conquered areas of North Acre, Galilee and the area around Jerusalem, the Palestinians greatly outnumbered the Jews. How do you do that in a democracy? So what would happen if the Palestinians stayed? They must have had a plan, otherwise they wouldn't have made the move to occupy these area considering the population in Israel inside the partition was just BARELY Jewish majority. UNLESS Israel (and by that I mean David Ben-Gurion) knew all along that they wished to drive out the Palestinians.
So there you have it- Zionists turned down an offer of a democratic state and launched a terrorist campaign against the British, Palestinians and even UN officials
Israel with the Haganah and Irgun and later the IDF, started driving out Palestinians BEFORE the declaration of independence and subsequent attacks of Arab militias in areas OUTSIDE of Israel (which begs the query, isn't the fact that Israel sent troops into areas OUTSIDE of Israel an act of war in of itself?)
And this claim that overnight 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries as a result of Israeli independence is completely false. This happened over a period of years in which Zionists agents actively lobbied for Jewish communities to move to Israel (where a lot of cheap property had recently become available) On the other hand in less than a year 600,000-700,000 Palestinians (50,000 of them Christian BTW) were expelled.
The Best book to read on the subject is "Fateful Triangle", by Noam Chomsky. And when you hear a bunch of Zionists attack Chomsky (and you will), ask them " What SPECIFIC point is Chomsky wrong?" The book is full of footnotes citing source from credible sources. "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-49" is pretty good too- and by a Zionist (Benny Morris) no less!
As for Jews being a race- anybody that claims this, ask them this- Can a European convert to being Asian? A Native American convert to African?
@hatmanone here's a list of Palestinian settlements depopulated http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arab_towns_and_villages_depopulated_during_the_1948_Palestine_War
Could you tell me which ones voluntarily left?
@curious1, you are mistaken, the countries you listed may have a Christian majority, but they are not CHRISTIAN countries. Take the USA for example, it has a very stringent view on religion in the state.
@afinity I'm pretty sure you know the difference between having a state Religion and being a Religious state. And I'm, pretty sure you're deliberately twisting the two.
@ cher, would you mind pointing out the specific points where either Morris or Chomsky is wrong? Sorry but the resources Morris used were declassified in the early 1980's, while he has altered his OPINION, he has never altered his FACTS- unless you can show otherwise.
@anvil, 350,000? Are you serious? Would you mind explaining why the British lied then in their census?