Are there any honest Jews or Arabs here who really wish we could live together peacefully?
2010-02-21 01:45:04 UTC
ok I'm an Arab and I honestly don't support Palestinians or Jews and think we should live together in peace instead of each one want to murder the other, we have more things in common then we even know about, I sometimes see rabbis and think they were Muslim clerics, honestly if God existed he wouldn't support any of the 2 sides, why would a God make the only 2 religions who worship him killing each other, aren't we all cousins? isn't our father Abraham? I doubt he even existed but if he did I'm sure he would be ashamed of all his descent.
Thirteen answers:
2010-02-23 16:21:21 UTC
It's not about living together, because that option has been on the table for 40 years. It's about one government breaking the law. It really is that simple. Palestinians have no ultimate say in what happens in their day to day lives. The IDF could tomorrow send tanks to downtown Ramallah, commandeer whatever property they see fit to, and not offer one shekel in recompense. Would you ask one group of people to willingly acquiesce to being at the whim of another group of people? Would you tell black South Africans to live with apartheid?
2010-02-21 11:08:06 UTC
Yes, but unfortunately that's not the critical question. After all, there were many honest Germans who wanted to live in peace with the Jews, but they couldn't prevent the Nazis from slaughtering most of Europe's Jews. The important question is the mind set and ideology of the societies as a whole.

One needs only to witness the reaction of the people of Gaza en masse to the news that one of their own managed to murder eight teenage Yeshiva students - wild celebration in the streets, in the thousands. I've never seen such a display of sadistic glee.

This should make it clear to anyone what the fate of the Jews would be if they ever lose a war. Would you and others like you be able to prevent the slaughter that would follow? Would you be able to stop Hamas from indoctrinating and arming people like this:

Brief excerpt: "We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no blood better than the blood of Jews. We will not leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst with your blood, and our children's thirst with your blood."

One can only hope for a day when the constant incitement in the Arab media and educational system (and elected government, Hamas) ceases. You might be able to help in this area, but it's a big job, and it may take generations. In the meanwhile, the Jews know from bitter and fairly recent experience what happens when they don't have a means of self defense living among a society that hates them and demonizes them to the point of justifying and actually carrying out mass extermination.

And say what you will about expulsion, occupation, and oppression - there are legitimate grievances, but it isn't, and never was, anything remotely like mass extermination.

You are a courageous person if you can persuade others of your views. Best of luck with it. I wish there were more people like you.
2010-02-21 09:05:48 UTC
I think Murad answered you honestly. I think I would rather meet him with a sword than my bible. So superior. Who but a pagan would make such a claim. God is a respecter of no man and puts none above the other. There is nothing special about the Muslim except his imaginary plan to rule the world.

I'm a Christian and I'll take God's word just as it is. He said what was going to be and why and even how in his best selling book the Bible . The Hebrew Tanahk will get you started.
2016-10-02 14:08:01 UTC
i'm almost on an identical internet site as you -- I wholeheartedly have faith that we could consistently stay at the same time in peace. I in simple terms think of that there could be Palestinians and Jews -- we could consistently be happy with our history and faith -- yet those 2 communities could be waiting to stay at the same time. Abraham IS our Father, and we by no skill look to submit to in ideas this. i'm Jewish, and my suited pal is Muslim and professional-Palestinian. We agree that the conflict between our religions is stupid and meaningless. it is purely because of the fact one group would not understand adequate approximately the different. while Amina (my BFF) and that i found approximately one yet another's faiths, we've been surprised at how comparable they're and how blind some human beings could be.
2010-02-21 05:00:27 UTC
Arabs (i.e. Muslims) want to live in peace with people of all religions, as long as these people live as ahl al-dimma or second-class citizens under Muslim rule. Muslims would have no problem with millions of Jews living in their countries as inferiors (just like Christians living in Arab countries today) but they have a big problem with Islam not being on top, i.e. a Jewish government.

Muslim peace is in dominance - as long as Muslims have the upper hand, there's peace. And even then, non-Muslim minorities are routinely harassed and discriminated against and savagely attacked, like the five Christians who were recently riddled with bullets in Iraq. It's never enough.

So to answer your question, as long as Muslims require the destruction of the Jewish political entity (Israel) for peace, there will always be war, because the Israelis are never going to just put their arms down and let their nation be destroyed and live with Muslims as lackeys and slaves.

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Also, the earlier poster is absolutely right, Jews do not worship the same god that Muslims do.

The Jewish G-d does not send non-Jews to hell, does not order Jews to spread their faith by the sword and dominate the world, and does not order Jews to increase their numbers instead of their knowledge, sophistication and wisdom. The concept of the "Chosen People" is that Jews were chosen to reveal the word of G-d (the Bible) and help humanity and develop the world, not that Jews are superior. Just the opposite, Muslims believe heaven/Jannah is ONLY for them, and believe themselves to be the superior people. The Qur'an says

"Kontom khaira umatin okhrijat lilnaas," i.e. "You were the most favored nation summoned to the people [of the world]."

Non-Jews who follow the Seven Noahide Laws, basically a watered-down version of the Ten Commandments, reach salvation, and this is why Jews never care to preach - to a Jew, it's not IMPORTANT for you to be Jewish, it's important to respect G-d and be a good person. Jewish Halacha law, with all its controversies, has not been practiced in 3,000 years, and Jews believe it cannot be practiced until the return of the Messiah.

It's true that once upon a time Jews did execute apostates, stone adulterers to death, etc, but this was the accepted normal law of the ancient world, along with Babylonians, Sumerians, Egyptians, Greco-Romans, etc. Read the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi from the same time period - if a son slaps his father, his hand shall be cut off, if a man spreads a rumor about another man and cannot prove it, he shall be put to death. The ancient Jews were no more strict than any other ancient people, and application of the Halacha stopped in the 1000s BC. Modern Israel is the only truly secular state in the Middle East.

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Muslims on the other hand, believe that non-Muslims go to hell even if they are kindly, that everyone must accept Islam or burn and suffer the Qur'an's abhorrently graphic descriptions of Allah's torment, that bloody Shariah law (which includes executing ex-Muslims, cutting off the hands of thieves, stoning adulterers, flogging fornicators and alcoholics, killing prostitutes, etc) is the perfect law for all ages and places and should be the ideology of the world, that Muslims must have as many children as possible even if they can barely feed themselves, and that they must spread Islam by any means all over the world. No religious Muslim here will deny that.
I thought...
2010-02-21 03:02:59 UTC
There are many more than you think :)

answer erased...okay I'lll try to make it more postive...

JEWS DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOOOOOOOOOOT WORSHIP THE SAME GOD AS MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! simple as that :)


first of all I have the right to believe what I believe, I noticed you were an ex-atheist, what would you feel if someone trashed you because you were an atheist?

`mmm, yeah yeah ...and if someone trashed me because I was an atheist, I'd agree with them...

also Jews and Muslims DO worship the same God, both Muslims and Jews AGREE so why are you objecting? you're a Christian you have no saying on this.

`LMAO...since when do Muslims worship the God of Israel??? I am a Christian, a spiritual Jew, I DO have a saying on this.

and finally, since you are a Christian your bible says that Ishmael and Isaac were brothers, so according to bible Arabs and Jews are COUSINS if you object then your bible is a false myth.

`half-brothers, to be exact.... and they're not cousins...not all of them, a Jew is not neccessary a Hebrew.

2010-02-21 05:26:19 UTC
i am jewish and have lived in israel... choose not to now as i think the situation there is now ridiculous.

there are many israelis and jews who dont agree with the governments stance and would love to have peace with the palestinians.. there are peace marches often in israel and many organisations there who want peace.

however i have yet to see even one palestinian organisation who wants peace with the israelis.. even if israel gives back huge amounts of land. i have yet to hear about even one palestinian who admits that they also have played a part in the perpetuation of this situation.. they put the blame wholley and solely on israel. many israelis see that israel has much to answer for, but no palestinian is willing to take responsibility for their part in the bloodshed.

there cannot be peace until both sides want it.. and the israelis wanting it is not enough.
2010-02-21 08:47:46 UTC
I wish it, but not for the israelis' sake, for the palestinians. As an Egyptian I find it very hard to forgive or forget, but for the sake of what's right I'd be willing to do what it takes (if ever I was in such a position). I do not trust them, and I don't think they can do anything to redeem themselves in our eyes or before God, but if we have a chance for peace and we do not take it, we are just as bad if not worse, because then we would be bringing more suffering onto our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

Maybe if peace was achieved, we would begin to come closer again as we once were. But you must understand, what they did to us, we may forgive but we will never forget. And it will take a long time for them to prove their sincerity and desire for peace. Personally I do not think they want it, or can live with it. Their social structure seems to be built around fighting and aggression. From where I stand, israel looks like one giant boot camp.

Hope I helped
Everything Happens to Be Purple
2010-02-21 10:19:32 UTC
Yes, that'd be nice. Let me know when that happens. I'll throw a huge party and you're all invited.
2010-02-21 04:20:23 UTC
I'm very honest with you and no, living with Arabs means radical government and religious living..

I (MY OPINION) prefer to live only with SECULAR Jews/Arabs or traditional Jews as well..

But I don't like religious people especially ultra orthodox Jews and radical Muslims
2010-02-21 04:06:22 UTC
Xcuse me son, but the way I see this the Arabs were there, mindin their own and suddenly some rich jews stormed the place with Italian made war machines, killed thousands of civilians and claimed the land.

How would you feel if you were an Arab living over there, huh?

Since day 1, after the jews took over, there is nothing but war and bloodshed.

Even we, the American folks had enough of that game.

We want peace and as far as the jews are concerned, I want them to leave us out of their little games.

These guys cost to the average taxpayer like myself more than $200 each year.

Thanks but no thanks.
Simple Simon
2010-02-21 07:03:05 UTC
67 indefensible nothing did happen...

Give me finger I'll take hand... that where "Tracing" honesty starts...
2010-02-21 06:17:45 UTC
67 borders.


Paranoia is not healthy Silly Simpleton..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.