You've previously posted that Jews control everything - a classic anti-Jewish hate myth. Hard to take you seriously.
If someone can't imagine Arafat having enemies among the Palestinians... they know nothing about Pali history at the time. Hamas & Fatah have murdered each other much. Pundits speculated his walkout of the Israeli Olso peace offer, was to avoid being murdered if he accepted any offer.
Arafat's wife won't turn over his medical records. Yet, she's turned over these "infested" clothing 7 years later that she had possession of. This is one of the dumbest framing efforts at Israel or Jews, ever done.
Are you really this unknowledgeable? Or are you this manipulative that you'd know your comments aren't valid, but you'll make them anyway?
That's dumb, dumb framing.
1. Trail of evidence!! Arafat's wife has his stuff for 7 years. So adding Po-210 could be done by ANYONE, at ANYTIME. So it's all meaningless fluff, no matter what's found.
2. Russia & Israel, really the only countries with it? And no - the tiny amount of Po-210 could be generated or stolen by ANYONE from ANY of the many countries. With all her billions & Hamas, you think it couldn't be acquired for money?
3. And MEANWHILE the widow doesn't release the ACTUAL REAL medical records. So if she's crying so much for truth, but withholds critical info -- that's beyond obvious.
That's dumb, dumb framing. In a court of law, the holes are so big, it'd become the new laughing stock "you wouldn't believe what that new lawyer tried to bring into court."
So-called "debating" with you if your going to make up stuff, is pointless. But anyway, I'll address a few of your lies.
>"Po-210 was found in Arafat's system"
He's just been exhumed & results take a few months. Hard to find results in a buried dead man. Results were found only on personal belongings SHE handed over.
>"his dying symptoms matched the symptoms after internal contact with Po-210."
Symptoms did NOT match PO-210 contact, according to director of the Swiss institute that carried out the tests, & independent medical examiners.
> "Where are the sources for your third argument?"
The widow has refused to release the records. Look it up. If they are released, then post a source of them (online or paper access). You can't.
> "widow inherited no more than 1bl dollars, So that eliminates the "anyone" factor."
We know billions of aid intended for Palestinians disappeared & funneled off to swiss account by Arafat, which his wife inherited, but you ignored my point -- HAMAS & other Palestinian groups have money too.
> "which wouldn't have satisfied country like Israel or Russia"
If you are going to claim Israel wanted it, then you can't claim they've need some dollar amount to do it. This is invalid logic.
> "Not many countries make Po-210...wouldn't satisfy Israel orRussia."
Any experimental reactor can produce it. So lots of sources are possible. (link replaced, BBC lists sources. Prior link was odd)
> "idiot to chemists. Po-210 is a highly radioactive isotope"
Your repeating of obvious PO-210 facts printed in every article isn't impressive. If you read the CCN article, it'd have to be inside a person to do any damage.