Israel is Israel, no president of Israel is sued for stealing.
Are yopu maybe talking about this guy
From 60 minutes program, Nov. 9 -
Palestinian Minister of Finance Salaam Fayad, in a very revealing interview, has said the following:
Yasser Arafat's personal fortune - 1 to 3 billion dollars
Arafat pays his security detail cash - 20 million per month
Monopolies exist on Palestinian gas, cement, flour, other commodities - who receives the license? - Arafat's choice
The Lombard bank of Switzerland held 300 million for Arafat - money now missing
The General Petroleum gasoline business waters it's gas - a practice recently stopped, but made someone $$$ lots
Israel keeps money for Arafat in Israel
Money in banks for "Palestinian Authority" is kept under several names, none of which says "Palestinian Authority"