How many Palestinians (or Arabs) were expelled when Israel was created?
2010-03-05 00:25:07 UTC
I don't know much about the Israel Palestine issue and i am trying to learn the facts.

How many Palestinians (or Arabs) were expelled when Israel was created?
Eleven answers:
2010-03-05 22:34:30 UTC
It's incredible that people are repeating propaganda proven false almost FIFTY years ago! The British Intelligence listened in on EVERY Palestinian (Jewish, Muslim) broadcast. There are records of them. IN NOT ONE was there a plea from Arabs sources either outside or inside Palestine for Palestinians to leave, on the contrary there were pleas to stay! Let's use a little common sense here, okay? Israel would NEVER have been accepted unless it was democratic. I think everybody, even Zionists would agree to that. BUT if the Palestinians had stayed, then Israel would have reverted back to Palestine after the first election, the Palestinians outnumbered the Jews 3:1. The number are not fully known, generally between 700, 000 to 800,000 is accepted (50,000 to 60,000 being Christians BTW). The Irgun and Haganah (AKA IDF) broadcast over loudspeakers on flatbeds for Palestinians to leave the area otherwise what happened at Deir Yassin would happen to them. Many fled, some were forced at gunpoint.

Plan Dalet (infamous Plan "D")section 3b4 called for "Mounting operations against enemy population centers located inside or near our defensive system in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations can be divided into the following categories:

Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously.

Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state.

The villages which are emptied in the manner described above must be included in the fixed defensive system and must be fortified as necessary." In other words if you fought back you were forced to leave. If you were considered hostile, you would be forced to leave. Also this plan was put in operation in autumn of 1947 BEFORE UNGA 181 WAS PASSED (Nov 29, 1947). In other words even before the "Partition Plan" had passed, the Haganah was clearing out Palestinians.

@devora- good trick that, considering the Grand Mufti said no such thing and was not in Palestine, nor ever was again after 1937.

@mobius, the Arabs did not declare a "war of annihilation", otherwise they would have slaughtered the small Jewish population in Palestine, and larger ones in Yemen, Iraq, Oman and Morrocco (amongst others) long ago. It was only after it was revealed that European immigrants were trying to take over was trouble started- on both sides I might add. Plus the vast majority of Palestinians never raised a hand to their Jewish neighbours (are you suggesting the 50,000-60,000 Christians were expelled because they were terrorists?)

@cher where on earth are you getting your information?, Arabs in women's dresses at Deir Yassin? Frankly as soon as you claimed Egypt attacked Israel in 1967, I should've stopped reading. I've never understood the reasoning for making up history, I sincerely believe it hurts your cause. AND why on earth would they leave unless it was to escape? So I guess the seige at Acre was just Arab propaganda? EVEN if they did, why not allow them back? Are you saying every one of them (even the Christians) were terrorists? I suggest you read Erskine Childers, the Irish scholar who went over every Arab radio broadcast in the British Army's archive and found not a single plea from Arab leaders for Palestinians to leave.
2010-03-05 03:48:30 UTC
I answered this same question quite helpfully to you yesterday or the day before...

Don't be one of those "I post the same question over and over to get my point across" people.
BIll Q
2010-03-05 15:34:45 UTC
About 700,000 lost their homes. The majority fled during the war because they were afraid of being killed, and then were not allowed to return to their homes inside the Israel state. These people were not technically "expelled" as they were simply not allowed to return.

Other Palestinians in Ramla, Lydda, Deir Yassin, and Upper Galilee were physically expelled by the Israelis. Those people claiming no Palestinians were expelled do not know Israeli history.

If you flee and are not allowed to return, or you are physically expelled, the result is the same, you have lost your home.
2010-03-06 17:49:31 UTC
Whoever said "ZERO" is an ignorant liar.

They can keep dreaming, they'll never be able to undo what's been done. And that's why they ALWAYS feel guilty.
2010-03-05 02:26:30 UTC
Expelled??? No, nobody expelled arabs. They thought that Jews would after the victory in 1948 start to kill them (understanding that this would be what they would do to the Jews in case of arab victory) - and fled. The total number of those arabs who ran from Israel was some 700000. Those who stayed- some 170000 - are now living in Israel as its citizens, and nobody came to kill them.

They are called Israeli Arabs.

At the same time, the arab countries like Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Lybia, Iran quite officially, by the government edicts, EXPELLED their Jewish citizens and took all their propetries. These Jews were sent out by force and were permitted to take with them only what they could carry in their hands. The total number of the Jews expelled from Arab countries is also about 700000.
2010-03-06 19:30:52 UTC
Like Cher said, no, they were not ethnically cleansed. Those who left the area that would be Israel, left of their own volition, with no army for miles. Largely, this was done at the advise of the Arab League that wanted them to do this in order to expedite their planned genocide of the Jewish peoples in the region. They were promised that if they left, and claimed the title of 'refugee' in Arab lands, they would be promptly returned to their homes when the dust settled. Unfortunately, the Arab League lost that war...and all the other wars/attempted genocides they launched on Israel. Ironically, rather than be quickly resettled in their homes, as the Arab League has promised, influence from an oil-rich Arab League has made the Palestinian people the one group for whom the title of 'refugee' passes down generations. Those who remained in Israel recieved Israeli citizenship when the dust settled. Those moved by the Israelis during the war were returned to their homes at the end of the fighting. Those who fled to Arab countries were bottled up in crowded refugee camps, and to this day do not have rights in those countries. Just so people know who screwed over the Arabs in that conflict....

Additionally, the ethnic cleansing was the wiping out of many ancient Jewish communities---many of which predated Islam and Arabization of their lands, were expelled from their homes during the conflict...nearly a million Jews were forced to flee for their lives, leaving their homes and properties behind them. The total amount of Jewish property seized by the Arab League when she ethnically cleansed Middle Eastern Jewish communities exceeds 1 billion if you control for inflation today.

Cher and Cher alike
2010-03-06 19:25:23 UTC
Very few. The overwhelming majority never saw an IDF soldier & left because their own leaders told them to "so it would be easier to the push the Jews into the sea" (their own words). The Arab leaders spread rumors of rapes & attacks to scare them into leaving (so fighting would be easier.)

The number who displaced was about 700,000, which is less than the around 800,000 Jews kicked out of Arab lands often without their belongings or money & were absorbed by Israel.

Post '48, Israel reaccepted about 30,000 (I've seen widely varied numbers) of Arab Muslims for the sake of reuniting families. However, since most were hostile to the country it was impractical to absorb them. In Jerusalem after '67, Arabs were given a choice of Israeli citizenship siging an allegence oath or Jordanian citizenship with Jerusalem residence papers. Most took the later. In the years after '48, it was Menchem Begin who did the most to integrate the around 20% of Israeli citizens who are Muslim Arabs (not in the terrories which Israel didn't have at the time) into Israeli society & legal status. (So when people complain about him - this is something to remember.)

Also, post '67 when Israel had the terrorities (agained in defensive war when 5 Arab nations attacked), Israeli jobs were better than Egyptian & Jordanian, so a number of the refugees came INTO the terroritories from those countries at those times to work in Israel. (Thus giving a sense of how complicated politics is in this region.)

From '48 to '67 those areas were under Egyptian & Jordanian rule. Egypt keep Gazan's at gun point in refugee camps. Arabs who went to Lebanon were also kept under gun point in camps there. The local Arab Muslims did not have respect of these other countries & were kept as refugees by their brethren to rile them up & bolster the PR for the war to wipe out Israel.

There is no such thing as Palestinians. It was invented by Arafat in the 1960's to create a sense of "separate people who were displaced." It basically says so in the PLO charter if read all the way through, that they are brethren with & part of the same group as every other Arab. Until then it was the JEWS who were called Palestinians in regional & international papers. The overwhelming majority of Arabs in Israel & in the terroritories came from neighboring countries only a generation before AFTER the Jews started developing up the region, from East Bank (now Jordan), Egypt, Syria, Lebanon.

The goal of the PLO/Fatah & Hamas & of all the other littlier gang groups trying to run things there, is to create a greater regional empire from Syria to Jordan to Egypt. That is what was "stolen" from them by sticking a non-Arab-Muslim country in the middle of their goal. It's all over their websites. For a while they used the world "occupied" but then people caught on that they mean Israeli's existence is occupying what they want. Jews have lived there for over 3000+ years from before Arabs from Arabia invaded. So they are a minority in the Middle East & have a right to a tiny sliver of land. Taking a step back to the bigger map - it's obvious how little Israel is, & how much it can not be about that sliver but about a bigger ideology.

Most of the threat & complication right now is from Iran. Iran is funding on all sides of Israel, Hizbollah, Hamas, & Syria. As a result there is a split even in Palestinian Arab area were Hamas & Fatah are killing each other daily. Their ideology is very similar, with the main difference being how religous to be. Fatah is more secular. So, what they do agree on, is to wipe out Israel.

Obviously neither Israeli or PA policies will be perfect all the time. However, I firmly feel until we outside stop supporting the ideology of wiping out Israel & crying victim instead of building a future & help them make this ideology shift, there can no be peace. Unfortunately any PAs who are of like mind, put lives at risk currently for saying so.

So there's a start of a few things.



If you flee, support war on your new gov't, & will not sign a peace oath --- you are at war -- not expelled.


You are the one making up new "facts" & changing history. Arab leaders themselves said they left before Arab leaders asked them to. I don't have the quotes handy because I didn't think, even this last bit of history would be revised. And no one threated a Deir Yassin - they simply asked in fighting areas for civilians to clear out. In Deir Yassin, miliants with guns under their "women's dresses" stayed & fought.
2016-07-29 12:16:19 UTC
2010-03-07 14:41:52 UTC
Many more Jews were expelled from their homes in the surounding Arab countries after Israel was created
2010-03-06 13:13:49 UTC
Im palestinian but probably in the thousands or even millions- most weree lets just put it that waay. Im palestinian but Im from ramallah-in the west bank, butI was born in the US and right now live in Canada.
Michael Angelo
2010-03-05 20:26:48 UTC
Yes and according to Israeli historians the number of those expelled reached 750,000 Palestinian, and 418 Palestinian destroyed towns and villages were recorded.

The expulsion of Palestinians was result of a deliberate plan code named Plan Dalet to expel the Palestinian population from areas allotted to the "Jewish state"

Zionist propagandists say that Palestinians left by their own will, but even if that is true why Israel block their right of return? Check this out:

The latest evidence contradicting Zionist claims concerning the reasons for Palestinian flight comes from a Zionist document outlining the result of their expulsion plans. The document is a report dated 30 June 1948, written by the Israeli Defense Forces Intelligence Branch for the Israeli prime minister. The document was uncovered in the Hashomer Hatza'ir Archive by an Israeli researcher Benny Morris. The report states that the Palestinian exodus was the result, primarily of three reasons:

-Direct, hostile Jewish operations against Arab settlements.

-The effect of hostile operations on nearby Arab settlements.

-Operations of Zionist terrorist groups such as Irgun

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.