(I commented on your previous question.)
First, a link to an interesting article:
"India expels Chabad rabbi over alleged attempt to hide conversion efforts
Rabbi Zalman Bernstein charged by Indian authorities for failing to declare on his visa application that he would be conducting religious activities and of trying to convert foreigners."
I don't know how relevant, if at all, this will be for your case.
Read the following page fully:
"Becoming Jewish: The pros and cons and how to do it"
...among other things that page has a link to a mailing list whose people might (or may not) be able to give you some guidance. That page also links to a Noahide group --which is a wiser choice than conversion.
"how much money do I have to spend in the conversion process"
Beside tutoring fees, you'll have to sustain yourself for a couple of years: a conversion process lasts as long. You'll need money to pay rent, food, bills, etc. etc.